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Last minute advice??? braces tomorrow!

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:08 pm
by ragingseas
Hi Folks,
There has been lots of great stuff out there on the message board, but I've had trouble finding this in a clear format.
I'm going in tomorrow (10 am) to get the braces on. I had extractions last week (4 bicuspids) and spacers put in (dying to get them out!!). But the brackets, bands and wires go on tomorrow. Any tips before going in? Or things for those first few days? Can you tell I'm a little anxious?
FYI - I'm getting ceramic on the upper front teeth and metal every where else. Also, I'm getting self-ligating brackets (no rubber bands) and heat activating wires. My ortho says this will be a much easier process than it was 20 years ago when I did this the first time around. I hope so, because that was hell.
Any advice and encouraging words are much appreciated!! Thanks!

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:26 pm
by OneTime
Have a big breakfast if you can and go to the restroom ahead of time. Getting brace will be approx. 45 min per arch. Enjoy, let us know how it goes.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 3:56 pm
by Tiffchelle
I got braced 2 weeks ago, and I had a very pleasant experience. These boards were a great help to me as well, and I felt very prepared when I went in - nervous still, but very prepared.

I do recommend a last minute restroom trip, and enjoy a wonderful breakfast. I found it also helped to have a pain reliever before going in - my ortho recommended that I take ibuprofen along with one tylenol (he said the tylenol helps the ibuprofen do its job better). Also, in the first couple days, make sure you rinse with saltwater, and put on wax whenever you feel discomfort. I also found it difficult to eat anything that required any kind of chewing for about 2 days. There were times in the first few days that I almost regretted my decision, and wanted these darn things off, but I did find that after about a week, I was eating many more things, and now at 2 weeks, I pretty much eat whatever I want with minimal discomfort (unless you count having to clean rice out of your brackets in public).

Anyhow, you'll be fine, and it'll be over before you know it. I wish you all the very best as you prepare for this. Try to get some rest tonight, and be sure to post and let us know how it goes!


Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:11 pm
by jennielee81
That is EXCELLENT advice, Tiffchelle. :D I don't think you missed a single detail!

ragingseas, I also have self-ligating brackets and I really like them. Because of no ligs (but no fun colors) things seem to move more quickly in the initial stages. I felt discomfort for a few more days than most, but that may have been me and not the point, if you feel discomfort for more than a few days, hang in there!!! :yikes:, it always passes!

I also take a combo of Tylenol and Advil when things seem to be more than "uncomfortable".

Let us know how it goes and post PICTURES!

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:20 am
by ragingseas
Thanks so much everyone. I'm going in in an hour. I'll let you all know how it went. I've been drinking lots of water for days. Breakfast is a little hard, b/c of the extractions and spacers, I haven't really been eating in a week or so. But I guess that means I'm already used to the soft food diet. the other night my husband asked what I was making for dinner, I looked at the mashed sweet potato and carrot dish on the stove and said, "baby food". it looks liek we might be eating baby food every few weeks or so. Anyway, thanks so much!!