Some pictures and some questions

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Some pictures and some questions

#1 Post by maddiesmom »

Please check out the pictures below. I'm 15 months into an estimated 18-24 month treatment time and I still have concerns about my four front teeth. When I look at my teeth I see that my front two big teeth are not symmetrical. One is larger than the other and they also have different shapes (probably as a result of bonding and shaping I had done years ago to help remedy a twisted tooth and a gap between my front two teeth). Also, the teeth on either side of my two front teeth are not symmetrical. Not only are they too short but their roots are completely different: one is rounded and the other's roots come to a point.

I've discussed these things with my ortho and he says we're not done yet but then gave me this speech on how symmetry really isn't beautiful, etc. etc. etc. Well, I've lived with asymmetry for 33 years and I didn't go through the hassle of getting braces to NOT be symmetrical.

Am I being too critical? Do you see the things I'm pointing out? Is it normal for someone who is almost at the end of treatment to NOT be happy with results? I still think my smile is lopsided and I still think things need to be changed. He's a great ortho and is very highly recommended. I have to think he has a good eye for things but when he started saying symmetry wasn't so important I have to wonder if 1) he really doesn't see the things I pointed out or 2) he's unable to fix them.

Are these things I'm mentioning fixable? He did mention I will likely need some bonding when all is said and done to make my two teeth (one on either side of my two front teeth) bigger so I know that will change things too.

I am just disappointed. I feel like these braces are going to come off and I'm NOT going to have the smile I always wanted.

Any thoughts on my teeth after viewing the pictures would be appreciated. Thanks for your time and your honesty.
Mom of 2 girls!
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#2 Post by jcdamon3 »


Here is my $.02 worth. They look alot better than mine probably will. I see some slight differences in the tooth size but don't see anything wrong with the teeth next to your two front teeth. I think it looks great! You are lucky to have the shape and size teeth that you have. I don't see the root problem but it could be due to your picture quality.
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#3 Post by missingu »

What is the smile you always wanted? Did the ortho indicate that was feasible at the outset of treatment?

Can you list what you want and ask the ortho, in a consult and not out on the floor, what would it take to get your smile there.

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