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I agree

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:29 pm
by pedouard
I agree with you guys! I actually get nervous asking too many questions because I don't want my ortho to give me the "why are you asking so many questions look". I actually think I have a good ortho, he has been doing his job for over15 years and he graduated from a good college, and he even taught ortho school for a while. Also he is pretty friendly, and he makes me feel comfortable. Although I would love for my dentist to do my braces because I just love him to death, hes just not skilled enough, oh well just ranting. bur I do agree with everyone we are paying so much, they should give us as much time as we request w/o us feeling hesitant to ask more questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:46 pm
by Samantha08
I totally agree with what you said!!! Sometimes I just dont feel comfortable asking too many questions, lol! I'm scared he'll be like...SHUT UP!! Hahaha I know he'd never say that but I dont want to get the dreaded "look" either!! I would LOOOOOOVE for my dentist to be doing my braces, he is so friendly and talkative, but he doesnt know much about orthodontics either, but he did just get braces! We're in the same boat now, lol! :) I dont know what it is about orthos and people asking questions. You'd think they would be happy to have adult conversation after being surrounded by kids all day! :)