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Why do teeth move so fast/why do we need them on so long?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:37 pm
by gypsyinamorata
I just had my braces put on about 6 weeks ago - I've noticed that my teeth have moved and they almost look perfect already! I've noticed from peoples' pictures that theirs seem to move quickly into almost perfect place too. So why do we have to have them on so long? Is it because all the little adjustments take awhile?

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:25 pm
by Flora2006
I agree with the others.

My ortho said that the first 6 months I'll see tons of movement and my teeth will appear perfect to me. But that there will be problems with bite and all that I won't does kind of suck especially when you won't be able to notice much movement for the next 20 months (for me) but oh well... :)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:19 pm
by ingyandbert
In addition to what others have said, another reason to leave the braces on after teeth appear straight is to combat the natural tendency of the teeth to migrate back to where they started. The longer they stay in their proper position in braces, the less likely they'll be able to move out of line again. That's also the reason why people wear retainers after braces are removed.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:20 pm
by JumpTheDitch
Just to add to ingyandbert's post, my ortho said "fastest moved is the fastest to move back". I'm assuming this tallies with the final phase of 'finishing', the last part mentioned on Meryaten and KK's link site being 'settling' - "a process whereby the teeth adjust to their new biting arrangement".

I love the link to the site, it's a great explanation for the steps involved, particularly usage and function of each wire type. I got rectangular wires at my first adjustment, since my teeth were not crowded I can understand why my ortho's doing things the way he is.

Is it just me or has anyone else become very interested in orthodontia and how it works since getting braced? :roll:

Good luck to everyone with their treatment! :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:54 pm
by Flora2006
JumpTheDitch wrote:
Is it just me or has anyone else become very interested in orthodontia and how it works since getting braced? :roll:

Good luck to everyone with their treatment! :thumbsup:
Sometimes I feel like I should switch my major into dentistry!! I've become more interested in dental stuff than what I am actually studying :)

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:44 am
by Kazan
Thanks for the link to the site. I like the bit with the boxes - kind of orthodontia for dummies.

I was also wondering from people's personal experiences whether things sometimes get (visually) worse before they get better. A couple of previously crooked lower teeth seem to be coming more into line - the good news - but a couple of lower front teeth which were previously aligned (about the only two front teeth that were) now seem to be pulling out of line.

Is it sometimes a bit like a Rubik's cube - do you have to move pieces out of the way before you can move them all back together in a way that they fit? it seems incredible to me that putting a wire round someone's teeth can achieve this. I have Damon 3s and I definitely think that the long gaps between appointments (8-10 weeks) has some disadvantages, namely I keep wanting to ask "is this what the teeth should be doing; is this what you expected to happen".

Feeling kind of gloomy today especially with all this talk of people getting fast results after short periods of time. Sheeshhhhh

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 5:30 am
by ingyandbert
Yes, it's entirely normal to have to move aligned teeth out of line temporarily.

Re: Why do teeth move so fast/why do we need them on so long

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:15 pm
by Tunkabean
gypsyinamorata wrote:I just had my braces put on about 6 weeks ago - I've noticed that my teeth have moved and they almost look perfect already! I've noticed from peoples' pictures that theirs seem to move quickly into almost perfect place too. So why do we have to have them on so long? Is it because all the little adjustments take awhile? I went to my dentist for adjusments and I had the exact same question. Ive been braced about 7 weeks as well and my teeth are straightening fast. The dentist himself was really pleased and a bit amazed at the quick progress. I just have my canine (rider) to bring down now that enuff space has been created & one premolar to align.

This is just for the top jaw...the bottom jaw will remain braceless.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:28 am
by Kazan
Thanks for your reply KK. Appreciated.

And -amazingly for England - the sun is actually shining today and it's almost the weekend so my mardy mood has lifted!
