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Spacers = pain??

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:29 am
by jleq
I got my spacers put in yesterday. I was told by the office "they might hurt for a while, but tylenol or advil should take care of it."

Well, they didn't hurt until last night, but the pain has been severe. I can't eat anything, and it's driving me insane. I'm missing a wisdom tooth on the top right side of my mouth. It isn't that bad. However, the top left side is.

Is this kind of pain normal? Should I get the wisdom tooth on the top left side of my mouth removed?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:49 am
by OneTime
Sore from spacers is perfectly normal. If it was me I would get the wisdom teeth out. Talk to your dentist.

Do you have crowding?

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:51 am
by Dark_angel
Nobody likes spacers and i think its pretty safe to sure that everyone wanted to rip them out. The pain will ease off in a few days and i wouldnt get that wisdom tooth removed unless the ortho recomends so. If its doing you no harm and wont affect treatment just leave it be.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:54 am
by poloaa
Gosh, i am so scared of the spacers because i don't have them put until may.5, early morning, do u all mean that it makes u not to eat and bite down any food?? does tynenloy help much? (i guess not) Do the spacers make your gum swollen or sore??


Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:57 am
by OneTime
poloaa wrote:Gosh, i am so scared of the spacers because i don't have them put until may.5, early morning, do u all mean that it makes u not to eat and bite down any food?? does tynenloy help much? (i guess not) Do the spacers make your gum swollen or sore??

I didn't try any pain killer, stuck with the sore until removal day.
Eat soft food, you'll be fine with it. Don't worry about spacer, they are not so bad.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:08 am
by jleq
Thanks for your replies. It's good to know that I'm not experiencing anything out of the ordinary.

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:48 pm
by mandaluv
poloaa, not everyone who gets spacers has trouble eating. i got mine in yesterday and i am experiencing an ANNOYING, dull ache.. but i find that i actually like eating. the pressure of eating feels good on my teeth. painkillers don't seem to do anything. i have rubber spacers on my bottom molars and when i bite down, i can feel them with my top teeth. one thing that helps me is to kinda move my jaw up and down lightly like my teeth are jumping on a trampoline. haha. it sounds silly, but it works for me!

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:41 pm
by bogiee
Just got my spacers this morning it wasnt to bad, my lunch take a little while coz I'm afraid I might brake the spaces but not dinner went fine still slow but Im getting it, pain is little. feels like big chunck of food between your tooth.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:09 am
by celiviel
For me the pain (not even really pain, just soreness and tenderness) was worst on the second or third day, then after that it seemed to ease off until I didn't feel them anymore. Though I had spacers in for longer than most people, it seems like.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:20 am
by Iceolated
I've had my spacers in for little over a week now. First day or two was uncomfortable but not super painful. At this point, I barely notice them anymore.

The point of spacers is to move your teeth slightly so there is room for banding. When teeth move, it requires the breakdown of tissue, bone etc that is holding them. I think this is where the dull pain comes from when one bites down.

I have also experienced a change in my bite because of my teeth moving. My upper and lower front teeth no longer meet because of the way my back molers have shifted.

None of this produces what I could call pain. I havent' taken a pain killer in over a week. The only time it troubles me is if I bite something especially hard like thick chocolate or my mother-in-laws meatloaf... :lol:



Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 2:55 pm
by mrs z
I just got my spacers off Wednesday because the braces went on, but the spacers I had on for 8 days and the first 5 days was AWFUL. They never felt good until I got them off. I found it hard to eat but I managed with LOTS and LOTS of Motrin. Now, dealing with this new pain is anotther story!