Just started elastics

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Just started elastics

#1 Post by KathleenH »

Oh my goodness, my jaw is sore!!! After surgery, my OS had me wearing elastics overnight, but they were not really strong. They were in front, and not too bad. Then we stopped, since they were hindering progress in jaw mobility.

Now that I can finally open my jaw pretty well, my ortho had me start elastics again. This time, I have them on my last bottom molars connected to my top canines. And the elastics are really strong. And I have to wear them all day, except to eat. Of course, being pregnant, I eat all the time, so I'm constantly changing these. Ouch!

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#2 Post by missingu »

I think one of the major hassles with elastics was never having them in the right room at the right time.. In my mind I wanted to configure brackets or archwires so we could hook a "spare" set of elastics somewhere in the mouth where it was't using force, so there would always be a set of elastics handy. (OK, I guess I didn't have much to think about).

The question that struck me when I read your post was...did you have oral surgery while pregnant??? Or was that before and then the bracing? I hope the pregnancy (and braces) are going well and you are feeling OK.

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#3 Post by KathleenH »

I know what you're saying about having them handy - I have one bag in the diaper bag, and another in the bathroom. I need another bag for the other bathroom.

No, I was not pregnant for the surgery - they wouldn't have done it. I got pregnant six weeks later. I highly advise against that. But we're finally nearing the end - I think the braces will come off around the time the baby's born (early November).

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#4 Post by kirst1583 »

I think one of the major hassles with elastics was never having them in the right room at the right time.. In my mind I wanted to configure brackets or archwires so we could hook a "spare" set of elastics somewhere in the mouth where it was't using force, so there would always be a set of elastics handy. (OK, I guess I didn't have much to think about).
I actually use one of my little empty wax containers and fill it with elastics. It's small enough to fit in my wallet and that way I have spares with me whenever I go out.

At home though I have one pack in the computer room and another in my bedroom... it seems sufficient enough to me!


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#5 Post by weird_wired »

The soreness reduces over time, don't worry. As long as you keep wearing the elastics, your teeth get used to them. Take a few days off, and put them back on, and you'll get the soreness starting again.

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