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Braced yesterday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:45 pm
by braces4me
So yesterday was the day...I got braced. Man on man my teeth are sore today. The bracing itself was not too bad,; got ceramic (ICE Inspire) on top and SPEED braces on bottom(im guessing these are like damons because they do not have any ligs). But I got a powerchain on my top arch yesterday and boy does that hurt. I tried to eat solid food for lunch today but that was really painful. I think I will stick to soft foods until the pain subsides. My mouth is kind of cut up as well from the brackets and bands. Wax is my friend right now.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:57 pm
by mrs z
Well, I just types a lengthy response which was I will make this short. I guess Congrats are in order! I have some questions for you. I got braced Wednesday and my ortho put clear on my top teeth, he did not offer ceramic but I am guessing those look better than the clear? Because mine are noticable. On the bottom I got gold, they look AWFUL and I am going back asap to get them removed and silver put on. My doc won't do clear on the bottom and I don't know why, I never asked. I am paying $5100 for this and I think I am paying too much for not having ceramics. Does this seem right? I want to make sure I am not getting ripped.... :D

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:06 pm
by braces4me
mrs ortho would not do clear on my bottom either and I am paying nearly $7000 for my braces. I worked for a ortho for a short period of time and he would not do clear on bottoms either. So I don't think you are getting ripped of. :) If you are unhappy with the gold, I would definately go back and get those removed and get silver.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:26 pm
by pedouard
Mrs Z,
I don't think you are paying to much it really depends on where you are located. I am in Illinois and I am getting the damon 3's on the 28th and Iam paying $4800! I have the best dentist ever and he tells me everything. He basically told me for the midwest price ranges from 3800-5500. and thats for just metal so you are in great shape. Don't worry. Good Luck!!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 6:10 pm
by Indy
Mrs Z
My ortho won't let me get clear on the bottom because of my overbite. The clear braces have a higher projection than the metal; therefore, my top teeth would hit the bracket (although I still wonder how the top teeth won't hit the metal brackets since mine are pretty close :? )


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:18 pm
by perfectangel818
I also got braced yesterday. I'm more sore today than I thought I would be. Then again it could be from fillings. I had to eat mexican food at work today because silly me planned it. Talk about sore! And then for dinner, I went to a barbeque and we had ribs (boneless) and mac and cheese. What a MESS and hurt more than I ever thought it could.

mrs z,
I am getting Damon 3s on top and bottom and they're going to cost me $5,175 USD. I'm in a fairly small midwestern US city. Ceramics would have been 200 more per arch. Hope this helps!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 7:18 pm
by perfectangel818
I also got braced yesterday. I'm more sore today than I thought I would be. Then again it could be from fillings. I had to eat mexican food at work today because silly me planned it. Talk about sore! And then for dinner, I went to a barbeque and we had ribs (boneless) and mac and cheese. What a MESS and hurt more than I ever thought it could.

mrs z,
I am getting Damon 3s on top and bottom and they're going to cost me $5,175 USD. I'm in a fairly small midwestern US city. Ceramics would have been 200 more per arch. Hope this helps!

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 8:41 pm
by JayC
i got ceramics top and ive yet to get my bottom.. its been about 3 weeks and ill be getting my top adjsuted and probably my bottoms on soon after.. i have no idea if my bottoms will be ceramic or not..i really dont care as i like braces hahaha weird.. but yea i think ill be kinda sad to have my braces taken off a couple years down the road ,, they are.. cool imo : call me a geek.. but yea im paying 7400 CDN for my treatment that prepares me for suregery as well... surgery is anohter ~5000 cdn.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:04 pm
by Nille
My Doc explained that if you have an overbite at all he will not do ceramics on the bottom. His concern is that since ceramics have a larger profile than metals that your upper teeth will continually hit the ceramics. Believe it or not the ceramics are harder than the metals and the concern is that it will actually chip or erode your upper teeth! :shock: I hope this helps! :D

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:13 pm
by mrs z
Ok, you've all made me feel much better. I am definitely going in as soon as I can to replace the gold brackets with silver. I am not a rapper, therefore these just don't suit me. HA!
Last night I was ready to call the ortho and have them taken of asap. I have one more question....I have some massive metal fillings on my back molars. Top and bottom. They put metal on me of course, Gosh I am forgetting what those things are called....the back things they put on your teeth to hold the braces? DUH. Anyway sometimes it jolts my teeth like when you have a metal filling and you chew aluminum foil. This should not be happening, right?
On the bright side I lost two pounds and I want to lose 7 all together so now I only have 5 to go! WOO HOO! Its the little things....ya know?
Anyway thanks again for the support. I do appreciate it.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:40 pm
by mrs z
I just took a picture of my mangled mouth so you all can see I am not lying when I say I look like a rapper! Even my neighbor just made fun of me.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 3:32 pm
by SapphireJen
Hi Loretta,

Your braces and teeth look great! I think that the gold braces look fine, but I can understand why you want them changed. Its probably that they are not as common as the metallic that is making them hard to get used to. Metallic lowers are much more conservative I guess!

Hope the swap goes well!

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:50 pm
by pedouard
Mrs Z,

your upper teeth look beautiful to me, I would also get those bottoms changed unless you are tryin to be flavor flav! haha just jokin! hope to see you soon with the metal on the bottom update us!

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:04 am
by mrs z
Good morning everyone....
Now that I posted the pic of my teeth, do you experts think I could possibly go with a retainer on my uppers for the 20-22 months I need the braces? My right front upper tooth is bonded and needs to be re-done so that is why it looks a bit crooked or off. But my uppers are straight and I've always received compliments on my smile my whole life. I just want to minimize the discomfort and mess in my mouth, I have a 7 month old baby and a 3 year old and have enough going on, the less stress I have in my life, the better.
Sorry to hijack by the way!

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:01 am
by pucca26
mrs z I think your braces are ok, you shouldn't get the decision to take them off if you only wore them for a few days! Just let time goes and your body and mind to get used to them, I don't think you look like a rapper and I don't think that if you change to silver there is much difference and after all they are lowers, do you show them much when you talk?. I know it's not easy to see yourself in the mirror wearing things in your teeth that you don't like but I think you got braces because you need them, at the beginning of our treatment we think that the kind of braces is very important but then you realize that nobody is thinking about your braces all day but you, and the most important thing is how your teeth move.
I have a friend that got damons and she cried about a week because she said she was ugly wearing them, but now she hardly remembers she have them on and her teeth look really nice.
I’m sure you will lose money and time if you change them, it’s not necessary from my point of view.