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Really painful elastics configuration (pics)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:21 pm
by Jim G.
I've had braces for about 19 months now. At my most recent appointment, I got some great news.. I'm getting my braces off on Friday, May 5th... but the ortho also put some very painful elastics on. Has anyone had a configuration like this before? I've been in elastics for probably 6 or so months now, but nothing like this. I have to take them off to eat, as I can only open my mouth about a half-inch or so. So, basically, my question is... has anyone every had a configuration like this or know what it's supposed to do? Any tips on getting used to this very weird configuration?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 2:33 pm
by Dark_angel
I believe its used to help close the bite into its final position. It ensures the top and bottom teeth sit together nicely. I believe clo had elastics similar to that. Im sure someone will be able to link you to her thread.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:53 pm
by Chris
Dark_angel wrote:I believe its used to help close the bite into its final position. It ensures the top and bottom teeth sit together nicely. I believe clo had elastics similar to that. Im sure someone will be able to link you to her thread.
Clo has had every type of elastic configeration! :wink:

If its really hurting badly ask if you can go with some weaker rubberbands. They did that with me. May take longer but less painful.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:54 pm
by Chris
I believe its used to help close the bite into its final position. It ensures the top and bottom teeth sit together nicely. I believe clo had elastics similar to that. Im sure someone will be able to link you to her thread.
Clo has had every type of elastic configeration! :wink:

If its really hurting badly ask if you can go with some weaker rubberbands. They did that with me. May take longer but less painful.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:06 pm
by missingu
How do you talk with that config?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:45 pm
by Jim G.
missingu wrote:How do you talk with that config?
It was hard to get used to it the first day.. but I can open my mouth wide enough to talk. I can't yawn though :(

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:04 pm
by pucca26
Come on! Last effort!!! You will be free in 10 days, that’s great, :dance:
but they really look very uncomfortable, can you talk when they are on?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:20 pm
by Caroline
Hi Jim!

Yeah, I had that configuration for 2 months, which is used to close your bite at the molar level. It worked like a charm...

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:52 pm
by Laqia
Looks painful but the reward isnt far away. One last stride :D

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:11 pm
by katy
Holy crap that looks uncomfortable! Do we all have something like that in our braces future or is that something that only a 'lucky' few have to endure? You've got me scared now... :shock:


Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:38 pm
by Chris
katy wrote:Holy crap that looks uncomfortable! Do we all have something like that in our braces future or is that something that only a 'lucky' few have to endure? You've got me scared now... :shock:

Unless you have a perfect bite, I think elastics are common.
I hate them, they make my jaw ache and some teeth hit harder than others. I want to say "no, don't move THAT one, move THAT one!" :P

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:54 pm
by Jim G.
Thanks for all the support everyone!

It's a bit more difficult to talk, but I'm getting used to it. I guess it's a small price to pay for having straight teeth. I know I haven't had my braces on long compared to some people here, but I can't wait to get them off and see my long awaited brace-free smile. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:32 am
by weird_wired
I had it - but only the double triangles on one side (single on the other). I only had to wear mine at night, but it was still a real pain. I found it very hard to try and sleep with my teeth wanting to clash together, and my jaw used to get very tired.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 8:16 am
by Clo

as was told here, I indeed had something like that. But then with 11 very
heavy elastics at the same time. So I really know the feeling. After
having elastics for more than 18 months now, I learned there are
different phases to be experienced :

phase 1 : just after getting them, it hurts after some hours to a day.
phase 2 : after some days, you feel like you get used to them.
phase 3 : you are not even aware you have them in.
phase 4 : it feels much better when you have your elastics in.
phase 5 : you get the impression that they are in too long. You mention
it to your ortho, who of course says you are wrong. They are
still necessary according to your ortho.
phase 6 : you see they are ruining your bite and arch lining. You see the
ortho thinks that too, but does not want to admit it. They still
are left in.
phase 7 : your ortho admits they ruined about everything. You are very
upset and go to another ortho. The new one is quite rough in
trying to correct what is not correctable anymore. And new
elastics are applied, and the story goes on again ...

I've seen it all, I am now in phase 7 + 6 !!! I begin to think there are
still countries out there that are called the best developped ones in the
world, but concerning orthodontics are still in the Middle Ages. Or a few
years later than that maybe. Maybe you can tell I am frustrated like hell
these days !
But be happy, you will never have to experience that. When your braces
are removed the fifth of May, you will hardly be arrived at phase 3. And
yes, they are used in your case to get that final good occlusion. When
looking at your pic, I am sure you will just get that.

Good luck !
( Sorry for mixing objective information with some sarcasm )

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:51 pm
by Clo

no, things are not going well these days.
I'll post next week. Then I have another adjustment, that happens to be
on the day of my 2 year braces anniversary !!