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Lipstick problems - esp. with ceramics

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:52 pm
by ragingseas
Hey there,
So I got braces on 3 days ago and am getting pretty used to them. I have ceramics with neoclips on top and metal self-ligating brackets on bottom. One of the bggest hassles so far is putting on lipstick. Part of it is rubbing th elips together over the brackets. But I think I'll get used to that. it already seems to be getting better. But the lipstick gets on the neoclips. Has anyone had this problem? Does it go away as lips get more adjusted to braces? Do you just have to brush several times a day/hour? Any advice is appreciated.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:32 pm
by Flora2006
I would think that with time, it will get better. I don't really put lipstick but I would guess that with time when your lips get used to the brackets and all, things get easier and the same would go for lipstick.

Congrats on getting the braces and good luck with everything :)

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:19 pm
by Kourtney Kitty
Sometimes I put on lipstick to prevent myself from snacking. This way, I know I will have to brush my teeth and re apply my lipstick again if I do.

It's my little way of keeping my snacking in check!

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:52 pm
by Shawnie
Hi Ragingseas,
I had this same problem when I had Neoclips. The Neoclips stuck out from the braces. I now have wire ties and my lipstick does not go onto my braces. I've also had regular ligs and it didn't get on the braces then either.

I think it sticks to the Neoclips simply because they stick out even farther than the brackets. I liked the Neoclips when I had them, but now that I have wire ties I like them the best.

Good Luck,

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:10 pm
by blondie111
I have had that problem, but I have clear ceramics with wire ties on top. So maybe it doesn't matter what you have on top?!? But my front two teeth do stick out a bit more than any other teeth, so that could be it.

I do that thing that KK said to do and it seems to help. Just hate to look in the mirror and notice my front brackets are red! :oops:

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:54 pm
by brandee987
I have the same thing when I wear lipstick... I do exactly what KK said and I dont have any more problems with getting lipstick on my ceramics.... :)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:14 am
by weird_wired
You get used to it over time. I'm six months in and I barely realise I have braces on anymore when I put lipstick on.

Also eventually your teeth firm up a bit so the pressure thing isn't a problem (it was a big problem for me at first).

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:27 am
by jennielee81
I started wearing the "all day" type lipstick. The type that is supposed to stay on all day. Maybelline makes the one I wear but I think that Almay, Cover Girl and Max Factor also makes this type. ... prodid=257

It stays on my lips until I take it off at night. No transferring to my ceramic brackets at all.

As long as I keep applying the "gloss" I don't get the dry flaky feeling.

It's not as creamy and nice as my regular lipstick, but until I get my braces off I will use this every day.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:00 pm
by Samantha08
It'll get easier once you get used to your braces. I remember when I first got them on how far my lips poked out and how awkward it was, but once your face gets used to braces being on your teeth, it'll be like old times :) I use lipstick and lipglosses quite often, and I dont have any problems with it anymore. I have ceramics also :)