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Three extractions yesterday

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 9:35 pm
by SmileyGirl
Had three extractions yesterday and all I have to say is I'm glad that's over! The dentist REALLY struggled with one of them and by the time it came out we were both sweating. And he mentioned more than once that his arm was pretty tired. Thankfully the other two came out more easily. At some point he must have popped me in the lip because I've got a few cuts and it's still swollen. My mouth is fairly sore but Tylenol helps plenty so I haven't even used up all the codeine I was prescribed.

Now that that's over I am dreading having my spacers put back in on Monday for the expander that will go in Friday. I know there's no turning back because I have three huge gaps now, but man, I am not looking forward to the next few months!!!

Re: Three extractions yesterday

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:47 pm
by kirst1583
Now that that's over I am dreading having my spacers put back in on Monday for the expander that will go in Friday. I know there's no turning back because I have three huge gaps now, but man, I am not looking forward to the next few months!!!
Congrats on having the extractions. :thumbsup:
I'm sure the next few months will be smooth sailing.
I never had an expander so can't comment there... but throughout this whole braces journey, the extractions were the worst part for me!!!
Good luck - hope everything goes well for you. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 12:43 pm
by SmileyGirl
Well, thanks, you guys! =)

I know the spacers won't be THAT bad, but until the extractions, the spacers were the worst part. I actually put off the expander for a few weeks so that I could have the extractions first. (That's why the spacers came out and now have to go back in.) I just couldn't see how they were going to push a molar out before some room was made! Even though the ortho said it didn't matter, it just felt right to me to go ahead and get the extractions first.

And yes, I LOVE my dentist. It was quite an experience... I didn't want to go into the specifics because I didn't want to scare anyone on here! But it was an experience. And he was very supportive the whole way, telling me I was doing great and that the tooth was coming...coming...coming... It seemed like it would never come out and while he was taking a break at one point (it took long enough that he had to regroup!) I told him I didn't want him to take it out anymore! Of course, he understood that these were ramblings of a terrified sissy and he just went on, and made a few jokes that kept the mood lighter. He's awesome.

I think I'm "scared" of the expander just because I'm not exactly sure what to expect. I've read a bunch, but you never really know till it's you! An assistant told me worst-case scenario was 6 months, but SmileyGirl's Law is that I'LL be the worst-case scenario!

There have been a few downs with the ups, but I don't regret it, that's for sure. I feel like a different person already and I've barely begun!

My son told me a week or so ago that since I'd gotten braces, he was a lot funnier. After pondering that for a minute, I realized it was because I actually SMILE at him along with my laugh and he can see teeth!

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:15 pm
by kirst1583

My son told me a week or so ago that since I'd gotten braces, he was a lot funnier. After pondering that for a minute, I realized it was because I actually SMILE at him along with my laugh and he can see teeth!
lol - that's one of the cutest things i've heard. Nice that he notices the difference though, that's gotta be a huge positive!

I'm glad you feel good about this whole experience. I know personally it's been totally worth it :wink:

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:07 pm
by Missingorigin
I had 8 extractions, 4 pre-molars and 4 wisdom. you have not experience nothing bad.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 6:09 am
by SmileyGirl
Eight at once sounds pretty bad. I've had 8 altogether: 5 when I was 16 (17?) and 3 the other day, but no, not at the same time. It wasn't having them done that was so bad, it was just that one that didn't want to come out. When I was younger I was put under, but the other day I was fully present.