Dental props

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Dental props

#1 Post by hefo »

Hi all,

I'm new to the site - due to get upper and lower braces in three weeks - quite apprehensive, but excited too :D (Over bite on the top, crowding on the bottom). Inititally I agreed to get a ceramic brace on top and a normal metal brace on the bottom, but now I'm quite keen to get ceramic braces on both arches. Thing is, my ortho says that I will need to have dental props fitted to stop my lower ceramic brace from hitting my upper teeth and damaging them.

Has anyone faced this dilemma before and can anyone tell me what it is like to have dental props fitted and what they are exactly :?: I don't want to have two lovely ceramic braces fitted if I am going to be in terrible discomfort all the time :(

Any thoughts gratefully received :!:


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#2 Post by kirst1583 »

Hi Heather,
I can't really help you with the dental props thing (hopefully someone else can).. but I just wanted to say that having metal on your bottom teeth is no big deal.
You barely see your bottom teeth and people never notice them at all.
So if it's going to cause issues for you then I really think the metal bottoms are your best option. Chat with your ortho and express your concerns, but I just wanted to give my little bit of input.
Good luck with whatever you choose :wink:


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Re: dental props

#3 Post by hefo »

Hi Kirst,

Thanks for your reply! It's comforting to hear that lower metal braces aren't quite so obvious, I think I'm starting to panic a bit about my appearance now that the big day is getting closer :!: I will speak to my ortho shortly, but always good to hear other people's experiences....


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#4 Post by Dark_angel »

Dental props, i've never heard of those but they may be something like bite turbos or molar buildups. The best thing would be to ask your ortho if they have another name or if you can have a look at some.

Always great to see someone else from the UK here


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#5 Post by Indy »

I have an overbite as well, which is why my ortho won't let me get ceramic braces on the bottom. I'm okay with getting metal on the bottom and if you explore this site you'll actually see that many people have ceramic uppers and metal on bottom.

I'm not sure about the props either. I could only think of the molar buildups, like Dark_angel said.

Good luck deciding :thumbsup:


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#6 Post by chrisd »

i have these they are clled bite turbos click on my www below to check out pics and more thoughts on them. they are not too bad though.
also i have metal lowers and while they are more noticable they are not bad. i really dont mind them. kind of nice to have some variety.
3m clarity on top changed to supertorque metal
3m victory metals bottom
estimated treatment time 16-20 months

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#7 Post by chrisd »

i have these they are clled bite turbos click on my www below to check out pics and more thoughts on them. they are not too bad though.
also i have metal lowers and while they are more noticable they are not bad. i really dont mind them. kind of nice to have some variety.
3m clarity on top changed to supertorque metal
3m victory metals bottom
estimated treatment time 16-20 months

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Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

#8 Post by hefo »

hey all,

Thanks for your thoughts - it's great to know that there are so many other adults with braces out there, I never realised :!: I think the props must be like the bite turbos - Chris are these the metal things on the back of your top incisors :?: Do they stop your mouth closing completely as I've been told my props will do and if so do they make eating a bit difficult :?: (Couldn't find your thoughts on your website)


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#9 Post by blondie111 »

From one Heather to another! 8)

I have ceramic on top, and full metal on bottoms, and I also have a slight overbite, so it really is no big deal. Plus my ortho says it's cheaper to do it will metal on the bottom.... I'm all about saving a few $$$! And like others have said they really don't show. When I smile, it's just the clear brackets that show.

I dont' have a clue what props are.... sorry, can't help you there!

Good luck with your appt. and keep us posted as to how it all goes! :thumbsup:


I'm 32 and will be in braces for almost 2 years!

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#10 Post by chrisd »

yup those metal things on the backs of my uppers are the turbos.
they do prop your mouth open, at first and make eating a bit difficult, but they also act to speed up closure of the bite in the rear, and as this happens eating is no big deal.

speaking was a bit difficult at first, but after about three weeks i was completely used to them and they caused no problems at all.

i have now had them for a few months and they are no big deal

good luck
3m clarity on top changed to supertorque metal
3m victory metals bottom
estimated treatment time 16-20 months

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