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cold feet

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:28 am
by kd
hi-I'm 39 years old looking at getting bottom braces on this thurs, but I'm now starting to get cold feet as there allot variables to consider including the dating scene :oops:
does everybody go through this prior to the hardware being put on

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:52 am
by JoeMama
Hi kd, I had SUPER cold feet, so you're definitely not alone. There are a ton of reasons to chicken out at the last minute, but that won't solve anything in the long run. Everyone is different so it may take you a while to get used to wearing braces, or it may not. But you do eventually get used to them and realize that 99% of the people you encounter don't care.

As far as dating there are 2 interesting lines of thought. One is that anyone who would "not be interested" because you're wearing braces is probably not worth knowing anyway. Two being that braces will be something that make you a little different and can sometimes be an ice breaker or something to talk about (if you're ok with discussing them). I think someone posted a couple weeks ago that someone bought them a drink and then told them how cute their braces were.

But you're not alone in being scared. It's a big deal for some of us. Best wishes to you and feel free to ask more questions.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:02 pm
by Dark_angel
Dont be worried about meeting someone, i mean you dont need a partner to be happy in life. I met my partner of 2 years when he had braces on (or he got them soon after we met) i cant remember. He had them off about a year ago and i have mine on now. The fact i cant remember much about his braces shows i didnt notice them much. Having braces will not ruin your chances and anyway if someone is really that bothered about image, do you want to be with them anyway?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:24 pm
by pedouard
I definately wouldn't be worried about dating I have seen many people with braces and they are dating and happy. like the others said if someone can't except you for you they are not worth knowing. I have been so insecure about my teeth for so long, and when I brought it to my husbands attention he never thought it was a big deal.(by the way I have a huge gap) So that is when I decided to get my teeth fixed for me, because he loves me as I am. Thats what counts someone liking/loving you for you!

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 8:28 pm
by stacey07
i am the queen of cold feet! i get braces this thursday... but have had appointments booked since this time last year!! i have cancelled about 4 times! can't this time though or i think my ortho will have me killed! Good luck with yours!