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Hubby is getting braces too!!! (he had 8 TEETH pulled today)

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:06 pm
by SamanthaClavier
he is stronger than me i tell you that,he is outside putting up a camera!he seems to be FINE AND DANDY shoot! i need one CUT out on my right :( but it isnt bothering anything now.He has a BAD over bite and the bottom is crowded bad,i keep saying to myself EIGHT?!?! He will get braces in a week the ortho said. YIPPY but he did say it would be 3years and SLOW because his jawl is strong.when i talked to the doc that pulled his teeth he said he was a fighter?!?!? he said some fight some dont,and it was a little hard....WHAT THE HECK?!??! he must have been moving or something.i thought they where a bit rude by pushing him out to the car and nearly running back inside BUT i didnt say nothing MY POOR BABY was MESSED up for the first hour LOL.the scripts where only $34 WOW i thought its was going to be $100 lol it cost $1700 to pull those eight JEEZ this is CRAZY and the ortho qouted him $4300+$200 if he wants clear(he does) BLAH BLAH :( to much monnies LOL

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:30 pm
by SamanthaClavier
he has an apointment for next thurs for spacers OUCH and the following week braces :( but i started first! grrr me and my expander GRRR,i missed my appt today b/c i didnt want to leave him hangging so ill have mine tomorrow he is going to lock the expander in place(i think for 3-6months from what he said) BOY OH BOY does my back left molar hurt like POO! it just started a few hours ago :(

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:37 pm
by Flora2006
Your hubby is getting a lot of things done these days!!! It's a good thing he's a fighter ;)

Good luck to both of you with your treatments; keep us posted!

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 4:27 pm
by SamanthaClavier
yea,he thought he would be getting braces first (i took some pictures of his mouth,i SHOULD have taken before shots DARN, his top lookED good (up until they pulled those two in the middle) he has a big mouth so when he smiles its big LOL



i am just wondering how are they going to move the front back without creating a gap in the front...

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:22 pm
by johnnya
Earlier this week I had mine extraction (just one tooth). It's the same one as your hubby (on left side).
My midline is a bit off so the extraction will help. Just wish teeth would get moving faster!

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:39 am
by SamanthaClavier
i think thats a little TO close to the front,when he smiles he has gaps LIKE ME LOL i couldnt get a pic of the bottom