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Just got braced...pic

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:54 pm
by starryadora
Just got my Damon 3's's a pic. Man, mouths don't look so pretty all up close and personal like this! lol Oh well, I know ya'll like to see good clear pics;)


Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:05 pm
by Flora2006
Your teeth look awesome!

Why exactly did you get braces? They look perfect to me.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:10 pm
by Flora2006
Never mind for my question...I just read your story :)

Good luck with the Damon's :)

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:14 pm
by starryadora
haha thanks;)

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 8:23 pm
wow, you're teeth ARE so cute! lol are damon 3's more expensive than traditional? what is the exact difference?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:41 pm
your teeth look cute.. the damon's look small and comfortable, i have ceramic and there big and bulky. my first 2 weeks of getting braced i had alot of shakes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner :oops: .hope your not in alot pain, if so it get better,so hang in there. good luck with your treatment
best wishes mateo's

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:37 pm
by Flora2006
KK wrote:
Interesting how low the brackets are on your bottom arch. I've seen other pics like that, but I've no idea if there's a reason why some orthos put the brackets so low on the bottom arch, of if it's just personal perference ... or what?

Good luck with your treatment! :banana:

I noticed that too! Isn't it harder to clean between the bracket and gum? :roll:

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:40 pm
by brandee987
Your braces look great! Man I hope my teeth look like yours one day!!! I read your story about your open bite. I hope you dont have to be braced too long.... :D

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:09 pm
by photochick
Are Damon 3's a new type of bracket? I'm very new to this whole lingo

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:49 pm
by LizzyG
Wow, your teeth look stunning anyway! I'll have a read of your braces story now and find out why you have braces :)

The brackets on my lower teeth are really low down like that too. I wondered if it is to prevent them being hit by the upper teeth? (although I have molar build ups to)

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:08 am
by starryadora
Yea, the "Already-straight-teeth-but-need-braces" club! Ain't that the truth;) lol

I also am curious as to why the brackets are low on the bottom...I think I am gonna email my ortho today and ask him why. I will let you guys know what he says;) I haven't tried to floss that area yet...Just used my Sonicare and it gets rid of ANY food stuck is great:)

Yea, the Damon 3's are a newer type of bracket. I really like them. They are much smoother than the traditional braces I had as a kid. They are pretty comfy, just takes getting used to having something in your mouth all the time;) So far the only place I have used wax is on the last molar on the upper right...kinda pokey sharp back there.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:35 am
by erica
Thanks for the amazing photo starryadora, and good luck with your treatment!

Regarding the lowset brackets, I know my ortho was VERY careful to set my molar bands in the very back up high, because he said setting them low can pull the teeth upward. Is it possible that to close your open bite, your ortho might be intentionally pulling your lower teeth upward? Just a thought - I'll be curious to learn what he says when you email him.

Thanks again! :)

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:07 am
by Joanna20
Hey, good luck!
Lucyloop I've had some bad experiences with dentists too. Don't worry!


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:28 am
by cynthia77
hey welcome to the club then!! how's everything going?? hey that's sooo true your lower brackets are very close to the gum...hum does it make hiding them any easier?? good luck!!

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 10:58 am
by starryadora
Ok, my ortho emailed me back. He said:

I positioned the brackets lower on your front teeth and higher on the
back teeth. I am using the front teeth to help intrude your back
teeth. This will begin to close your bite without the need for long
term use of elastics.

Pretty cool. lol Lessening time in elastics sounds good to me! haha