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just had surgery!

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:25 pm
by hannah164
THis morning I had my oral surgery that my ortho just bothered to tell me about! OMG! It hurts! They went in and pulled my last baby tooth and exposed and bonded my impacted bicuspid! (i think! :? )

All the assistants and the oral surgeon were very nice and made my experience great! I was comfortable and informed and totally asleep! :lol:

My oral surgeon said I should have minimal discomfort but boy was he wrong! THis hurt even more than having 6 teeth pulled and 2 impacted canines exposed and bonded! :shock: I'm not quite sure why but it does! :( You should see my baby tooth! It has two ultra long skinny roots coming out from it! ITs so scary looking! Now wonder it hurt so bad and wouldn't fall out! :roll: My oral surgeon ended up telling me afterwards that my impacted tooth is lying sideways and its right next to my gums! :shock: I have no idea how it got there! It is so tender! :cry: I can hardly even touch it its that painful! :(

And I couldn't eat at all today! I had to stay on a completley liquid diet! I'm so hungry! :( And I have no idea how I'm going to be able to chew tommorrow, at least on one side of my mouth! :roll: My mom made brownies today for a church bake sale and because of my surgery I couldn't have any! :cry: So tempting! :roll:

Its going to be a real fun weekend! :wink: Not sure how I'm going to get through this! :roll:

~Hannah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 10:41 pm
by Flora2006
Hannah I'm sorry about your pain. I really hope it gets better real soon!

Do as it was adviced; get a good DVD to watch (Just Friends is hilarious) or a great book to read and hopefully you will forget about your teeth and feel better.

Good luck :)

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 11:11 pm
by alexa
I'm sorry you're in pain and can't eat brownies...that's awful! :(

Try to think of the fact that now it's all over and done with. You (hopefully) don't have anymore impacted teeth left to expose so now everything can only go downhill. It's good progress!

Like everyone else said, get some books and/or DVDs and take a load off this weekend. Your mouth deserves it! :wink:

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:43 am
by Evelyn
Aww I'm sorry you're in pain Hannah! I agree with what everyone else has posted...indulge yourself! You deserve it. Pull out some of your favorite movies and just relax and sleep off as much of it as you can. It'll all be worth it soon, have no fear thing's will get better!


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:54 pm
by hannah164
Thanks Eve, FLora2006, Alexa, Meryaten, KK, and Lucyloops for your support and well wishes! Yesterday was pretty bad and today wasn't terribly great but it has gotten better! :) At first all I was able to eat was a smoothie with a straw and a banana but after coming home from school I braved some chips, those awesome brownies, and a little bit of fruit! :wink: I can only chew on one side so dinner was pretty hard to eat! :roll:

THe gum right around the impacted tooth is still incredibly tender so I try not chew there at all! :? It even hurts to smile back there! :shock: I think I'm going to keep living off those painkillers or else I'm incredibly nauseous! :( Didn't get to much of a chance to relax and indulge today, couldn't afford to miss anymore school, not with my grades! :? But I did babysit and after he fell asleep I watched a little tv! :)

Can't wait to get this impacted tooth movin'! Just gettin' a little impatient here! Guess I've got to heal first! :roll: I'll keep you updated!

~Hannah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 4:24 am
by Kell
That sounds awful. I hope that you heal quickly.