Braces coming off!

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Braces coming off!

#1 Post by Jennifer »

I can't believe it. After 2 1/2 years I finally get my braces taken off on May 15th. :D I will get a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth and a temporary retainer for the top until June when I finally get a permanent retainer for the top. Wish I could say that I was completely done but I'm not. Since I am 47 and had some bone loss due to smoking , :oops: which I am happy to say I have quit , :wink: I will be getting 6 veeners on top. Once the braces come off I will have to wait 3 months and then the veneers can be put on . So it has been along process and an expensive one for me. But I can finally see the end of the road...... And breath a sigh of relief. I just wanted to share my good news with everyone.

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Location: Northern California, USA

#2 Post by jcdamon3 »

Great news! Sorry to hear about the bone loss. I keep hearing this about smoking. Something the Surgeon General never talks about. Congrats on quiting! And congrats on the brace removal. You must be so excited! We would love to see some pics when you are all done!
Braced on 8/05 - Braces off 12/06
Mid Forties!

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#3 Post by CLAmom »

I think that's just great. Congratulations! You're way ahead of me. I'm 46, I'm on month 2 of a 18-24 month sentence, & I'm looking at bone grafts & implants when the braces come off. I'd like to fast forward 3 years down the road but then again do I really want to be facing 50 already?! Good luck with the veneers. Think of how far you've come already! You're almost there. :lol: :-)o :-88

Ceramic upper & lower 2/22/06--3M Clarity

"Ever notice how instant gratification takes too long?"

Posts: 35
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#4 Post by dbagnell »

Congratulations!! It'll all seem worth it once you have your new smile!

Braced on 6/23/05 for 12-16 months with top and bottom Damon 3s for moderate crowding, slight class II bite and TMJ.

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Location: Sydney, Australia

#5 Post by kirst1583 »

Congratulations Jennifer, that's fantastic news!!!
We have the same debanding date. Assuming my review appointment on Monday goes according to plan that is...
I can't wait for May 15th - how exciting.
Only just over 2 weeks to go and we'll have naked teeth :-)o


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#6 Post by missingu »

Though I have never been a smoker, I have heard (and read studies) on how quitting smoking, in an of itself, takes an incredible commitment to changing your life.

You have the courage to make two huge, healthy changes in your life (quitting smoking, braces). I hope May 15th is a day to celebrate both your "new" teeth and your life in general.

Hope all goes well and you let us know how it goes.

Betty Bat
Posts: 736
Joined: Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:45 pm

#7 Post by Betty Bat »

Dear CLAmom,
There are many board members (including me) who are over 50 and we manage to survive!

Seriously, enjoy every day no matter what your age.

Posts: 108
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:16 am

#8 Post by pucca26 »

Please post pics, we want to see your smile now :D
Upper Lingual Braces - On, April 7th, 2006 - Off, August 23rd, 2007
Lower Inspire Ice Braces - On, June 9th, 2006 - Off, January 3rd, 2008

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