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tooth pain from clenching

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:32 pm
by bombersfan805
i just got bottom braces put on less than a week ago (top have been on for about 2 months). i've noticed in the last couple of weeks, especially since getting bottom braces, that i wake up with certain teeth hurting due to clenching at night. i also notice that i clench during the day. i read some posts on this saying that it's due to my teeth moving that i'm clenching, but is there a chance that i will wear down my enamel before the braces come off (i've got about 2 1/2 years left)? does it get better with time, or does the clenching and pain keep on throughout treatment? i'm thinking of asking my ortho about this, but i was just there less than a week ago and i dont know if i should wait till my next appointment, or if i should call if the pain keeps up? usually after a few minutes in the morning the pain goes away but this evening a different tooth was really sore whenever i bite down... does anyone else have similar problems?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 6:24 am
by sydsmom
I would call and make an appointment. This started happening to me about 4 or 5 weeks after I got braced. It was awful...I was so tired because the clenching kept waking me up at night! My ortho made a "bite plane" for me -- which is basically like a retainer but the plastic part is a little thicker -- to wear at night so that my teeth don't touch. I also had to be very conscious of not clenching during the day.

The bite plane helped me immediately to be able to sleep without worrying I would damage my teeth. I would still wake up with a tight jaw, but at least my teeth weren't gnashing together all night! And I can say that 3 1/2 months in, my jaw is finally adjusting, and my clenching has decreased by about 70%.

Good luck!