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Spacing after Permanent Bottom Retainer?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:45 pm
by edgezbaby
its been 3 months since i got my braces off. i have a bonded permanent retainer on my lower front 6 teeth and sbout a month after my braces removal, spacing started appearing between the teeth that were bonded and the teeth that werent bonded. wheni went for my retainer checkup, my orthadontist told me this was normal and that it would eventually close up, buti ts been 3 months already and im not sure if this is normal. on top of that my orthadontist also tells me that my molars were comming in and i needed to get them surgically removed within one year, but when i talked to my dentist for a second opinion, he was completely against the oral surgery and believed that i should wait until my wisdom teeth come in since he says its still going to be a while. but now i am faced with a dilemma of whether getting my molars taken out soon or waiting until my space will hopefully clsoe up and then decide if that will affect my wisdom teeth or not. please give me some advice or any help in any ways! thanks! p.s. here are a few pictures of the spacing ...



Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:55 pm
by edgezbaby
this is an overall view of my teeth Image

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 12:26 pm
by edgezbaby
thanks for the info, i still dont know what im going to do. does anyone else have any opinions?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:49 pm
by Kell
I think you should definitely discuss it with your ortho again. I don't know if that is normal or not but I would not be happy with it. Your teeth look great and you can't even tell the spaces are there in the overall picture. I know some people have both bonded retainers and removable retainers. Maybe he could give you a removable retainer too to close up those spaces.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 5:50 pm
by mtbrncofn
Those are pretty good sized gaps opening up. I'd certainly be concerned. My only question is: why aren't your retainers correcting it? If they took the mold of your teeth right after you were debanded and you've been faithfully wearing them, I don't think that should happen. I could be wrong though. I know I'm not taking any chances with not wearing mine, as much as I can't stand them.

I'd definitely call and voice my concerns if I was you.

I hope you aren't offended by this question, but did you ever ask your ortho about your midline?

FWIW, your teeth are gorgeous. Best of luck in getting it taken care of!

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:01 pm
by edgezbaby
the bottom retainer is only cemented on the front 6 teeth and the mold was taken a fe weeks before my draces were taken off. i never asked about my midline because it nefver bothered me and i thought it was normal because of theres ive seen who dont have lined up midlines. is this something i should be worried about too?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:01 pm
by edgezbaby
the bottom retainer is only cemented on the front 6 teeth and the mold was taken a fe weeks before my draces were taken off. i never asked about my midline because it never bothered me and i thought it was normal because of others ive seen who dont have lined up midlines. is this something i should be worried about too?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:57 pm
by jcdamon3
Your post is a little confusing because you said your molars and coming in and then you said your wisdom teeth are coming in. I think you just mean your wisdom teeth are coming in right? Unless you have more teeth than me. :-)

Anyway - why is your dentist against the surgery? Is it because the ortho wants the teeth out too soon?

Regarding the gap. Hmmm your teeth look perfect from the front. Can the ortho put a hawley on and close that gap up?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 2:29 pm
by mtbrncofn
edgezbaby wrote:the bottom retainer is only cemented on the front 6 teeth and the mold was taken a fe weeks before my draces were taken off. i never asked about my midline because it never bothered me and i thought it was normal because of others ive seen who dont have lined up midlines. is this something i should be worried about too?

So you don't have a regular retainer as well as the bonded one? I have a bonded one across my top ones, but I also have Essix retainers as well. I didn't realize that bonded retainers replaced the need for removable ones. In my mind, bonded retainers are just an extra help against stubborn teeth.

If you're midline doesn't bother you, then I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Your ortho could have had a good reason for not messing with it. Again, your teeth look beautiful.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:22 pm
by edgezbaby
jcdamon3 wrote:Your post is a little confusing because you said your molars and coming in and then you said your wisdom teeth are coming in. I think you just mean your wisdom teeth are coming in right? Unless you have more teeth than me. :-)

Anyway - why is your dentist against the surgery? Is it because the ortho wants the teeth out too soon?

Regarding the gap. Hmmm your teeth look perfect from the front. Can the ortho put a hawley on and close that gap up?
lol i was talking about wisdom teeth, i thought molars and wisdom teeth were the same...but yeah my dentist thinks its too soon to take them out
mtbrncofn wrote:
edgezbaby wrote:the bottom retainer is only cemented on the front 6 teeth and the mold was taken a fe weeks before my draces were taken off. i never asked about my midline because it never bothered me and i thought it was normal because of others ive seen who dont have lined up midlines. is this something i should be worried about too?

So you don't have a regular retainer as well as the bonded one? I have a bonded one across my top ones, but I also have Essix retainers as well. I didn't realize that bonded retainers replaced the need for removable ones. In my mind, bonded retainers are just an extra help against stubborn teeth.

If you're midline doesn't bother you, then I certainly wouldn't worry about it. Your ortho could have had a good reason for not messing with it. Again, your teeth look beautiful.
well no, i only have a bonded retainer on the lower teeth and a removable retainer on the top

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:26 pm
by SamanthaClavier
I would be torn on what to do about the molars (i have one that needs to be cut out)my ortho told me BEFORE all this that it could cause problems LATER(ie-mess up what the braces are doing now) he wasnt sure how fast it would come in if at all(it doesnt have roots but it IS impacted)
He/she didnt say anything when you had your consultaion?(from the xrays)He/she should have seen what was going on before hand right?

as for the(built in retainer)i wouldnt accept those gaps

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:30 pm
by edgezbaby
well yeah he took xrays wheni got my braces off and he said i need to get them out within this year

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:50 am
by edgezbaby
so i went in to see my orthadontist today, he told me that what happened was that those front 6 teeth were pushed out from my tongue...something called like tonguuethrusting or somethign along those lines...i had 2 options. i could either keep it like that or put braces back on for 6-9 months to close the gaps back up and then were two retainers on the bottom instead of just one right im getting bottom braces back on tuesday(unfortunately) was pretty upsetting for me cuz i will be getting my license in september and now my picture will show my braces(luckily my bottom teeth dont show when i smile)...but was due to tongue thrusting...thanks for everyones help

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 9:56 am
by mtbrncofn
Aww, well that is kind of a disappointment, but at least you'll be getting it fixed and you'll be happy!

I'm curious as to why you don't have regular retainers as well as your bonded one?

Since you're getting your braces put back on, did you ask about your midline if that was bothering you too?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 10:06 am
by edgezbaby
i didnt know u were suppose to have a retainer on top of the bonded one. i just thought what he gave me was standard (removable top and bonded bottom)...and i didnt ask about the midline, should i have? i thought it was normal because my mom has naturally staight teeth and her midline isnt lined up but is it normally a concern?