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Married couples w/braces, do the kids need braces too???

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 1:20 pm
by x3trinity
I was wondering, since I have braces and my husband also had braces in high school, will our kids need to have braces also?

Family wise, his family on his mother's side has (for a lack of words) "bad" teeth but his father's side does not. Two of his siblings had to have braces put on their teeth also.

In my family, I am the only one who has braces, but my brother has a lot of crowding and he really needs them, but cannot afford them right now. My sister wants them but she really doesn't need them as bad as my brother and I.

So I guess my question to everyone is do you or someone you know in my situation who is married and both spouses have braces, have kids who needed them too? I know the shape and form of our teeth is hereditary but I wanted to know what to expect in the future when we do decide to have children? :Questions:

Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:16 pm
by hollywood_smile
cmon x3trinity dont worry about that already!, enjoy your marriage! like if knwing it, is going to stop you from havig kids! !!! :wink:

you have to wait until the kid is born, and you have to wait till the kid starts witth the teeth issue to know whose teeth he got, is like eyes, both parents could be blue eyed, and the kid has brown, because the grandfather of the kid is brown eyed. no one can tell you exactly wich characteristics and whose, will receive an unborn.

dont worry about it!!! :D

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 2:26 pm
by x3trinity
Thanks Hollywood_smile, I know I am just being paranoid. :shock:

I have really been enjoying my marriage and we really don't want kids right now anyway, but I was just wondering! :)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:48 pm
by KJM
It can be different for everyone, but in my family my hubby had and RPE and braces twice ( didnt wear retainer so he relapsed and had them put back on in his early 20's) and now I have braces.

My oldest son needed braces and was banded for 24 months. My daughter is going in June for her braces ( she is 14 and has a couple teeth that are shifting but to look at her she has really nice teeth) and my youngest son has a RPE and will be getting his Phase I braces ( top 4) the 17th.
So in my case, yes, they all need braces.

(although it can be random, my hubby is the ONLY one out of 5 kids to need braces, they all had fabulous teeth)

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:43 pm
by mackenzie
That can vary so much and it's not 100% genetics, if they suck their thumb when they're too old or are a mouth breather that can cause problems too.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:09 am
by x3trinity
KJM, thank you so much for the information! It really is something to think about, b/c I would not want my children to go through the things I had to go through before I got braces.

So if they need them, my husband and I will definitely make sure they get them! :wink:

MACKENZIE, You are sooo right, the problems with teeth does vary a lot, but hey thank goodness for the invention of braces!!!! :tingrin:

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:42 pm
by x3trinity
Thanks KK! You are right, I didn't think about all the new technology and advancements that dentists and doctors are discovering everyday.

It really is nothing to worry about it. You all have made me feel so much better. Like I told Hollywood_smile, I guess I am just being paranoid! :crazy: