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May 2nd is brace day!

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:53 pm
by straighter-teeth
Can't wait till tomorrow. I finally am getting my braces at 37 years old! Built up my courage and am going for it! I'll let everyone know how it goes. Am going to get ceramics on both upper and lower. My ortho said it's some new ones he has that are smaller. Can't wait to have straight teeth after all these years. My hubby is excited for me too! He's lucky to have straight teeth and never had to have braces.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 6:27 pm
by pucca26
Congratulations!!! :jump:

You won't regret it, once you have braces in your mouth, all that you think is, it was no so bad, why didn't I do it before? I also had bad teeth for years and when I see myself in the mirror I can't believe how different I look, I'm still shocked, it's very nice because you start to see movement very early, probably in a week or 2 you’ll have already see something.... Good luck and post pics before during and after treatment.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:38 pm
by Leslie022
Welcome <b>straighter-teeth</b>!! I hope everything goes smoothly tomorrow! Post some pics of your pearly whites if you get the chance. I'm interested to see what those new, smaller brackets look like!

Remember to wear some lip balm!


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:40 am
by straighter-teeth
Well, they're officially on!! It's been 2 hours now and no pain! I am using, however, the Good Vibrations device that I found on the internet that you are to use before the pain starts to keep it from getting out of hand.

I think they look good. They don't feel as funny as I had thought they would.
Actually can talk and not feel like my S's and F's sound funny :)

I'll try to post pictures once my husband gets home and can help me. Not sure how to do it. Not the best at computers :)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:41 am
by straighter-teeth
Well, they're officially on!! It's been 2 hours now and no pain! I am using, however, the Good Vibrations device that I found on the internet that you are to use before the pain starts to keep it from getting out of hand.

I think they look good. They don't feel as funny as I had thought they would.
Actually can talk and not feel like my S's and F's sound funny :)

I'll try to post pictures once my husband gets home and can help me. Not sure how to do it. Not the best at computers :)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:41 am
by straighter-teeth
Well, they're officially on!! It's been 2 hours now and no pain! I am using, however, the Good Vibrations device that I found on the internet that you are to use before the pain starts to keep it from getting out of hand.

I think they look good. They don't feel as funny as I had thought they would.
Actually can talk and not feel like my S's and F's sound funny :)

I'll try to post pictures once my husband gets home and can help me. Not sure how to do it. Not the best at computers :)

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:09 am
by jay
Good luck with your treatment you will enjoy the outcome im sure

just got mine off today and i cant stop looking at my teeth in the mirror

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:15 am
by SamanthaClavier
i am glad it went well:)what is this Good Vibrations device you are talking about?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 10:28 am
by straighter-teeth
Good vibrations is a device you put in your mouth for 15 minutes before the pain starts. They say to use it right after adjustments.

go to and go to brace relief and they have it on there. I think it's 19.00.

Seems to be working so far. Don't know when the discomfort usually starts ... not one ounce of discomfort yet and I'm 4 hours into it.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:48 am
by julesss
straighter-teeth wrote:Good vibrations is a device you put in your mouth for 15 minutes before the pain starts. They say to use it right after adjustments.

go to and go to brace relief and they have it on there. I think it's 19.00.

Seems to be working so far. Don't know when the discomfort usually starts ... not one ounce of discomfort yet and I'm 4 hours into it.
I had mine put on yesterday (May 1st) at 9:00 am and I didn't feel any pain until bedtime.

I had a hard time falling asleep and they are REALLY bothering me today. :cry: My mouth is throbbing and I'm craving mashed potatoes. :/

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 11:56 am
by straighter-teeth

I'm sorry to hear you're in pain today. I will say a prayer for you and me that we will not be in pain and that we'll be able to keep each other lifted up through this venture of ours! :wink:

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:13 pm
by bracegirl
hey i got braces on may 2nd also! so far i hate it..i cant believe i look like this but i also wanted to know why my ortho only put braces on upper this common with others also?
thanks! :?:

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 1:36 pm
by julesss
Thank you for the well-wishes kiwi and straighter.

I feel much better today!

I'm getting a little raw from the brackets and I've almost got the hang of this wax stuff.

So far, so good!

I'm happy I found this place as I can only vent so much here at home. My daughter will need braces in a few years and I don't want to freak her out.


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 6:49 pm
by straighter-teeth
Sorry BraceGirl you're having such a hard time. I'm not sure why they would only put on one part of the mouth and not the other. I've read that on other's comments too. My ortho did both upper and lower in ceramics.

I really swear by that Good Vibrations device. You really should look at purchasing one. The only problem is that it won't help once the pain is there. You have to use it before pain sets in.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:12 pm
by bracegirl
My teeth were done in the damon the brackets are a little smaller but still ugly enough! i guess im just getting used to it now.. im scared of getting canker sores though coz i get them alot even without braces.. but atleast im not really experiencing alot of pain.. it hurts a little but i can eat most soft things without pain.