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If dental insured (US), how did you get it?

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:23 pm
by missingu
I am amazed at how many people here have dental insurance (US). I don't, as I work for a small employer who doesn't even provide health insurance.

Therefore, I was wondering:

If you have dental insurance, is it through your/partner's/parent's employment?

Does anyone have insurance that they buy directly?

Even if the dental insurance doesn't cover ortho, I'm interested to find out how so many people have it.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 9:09 pm
by lemonlyme

I have dental insurance from my employer..they cover $1000 for ortho, 2 yearly exams and $1500 a year for everything else. Not too bad.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 5:24 am
by rsprouse
Dental Insurance is a pretty standard part of benefits packages these days for medium to large companies. Of course it varies from employer to employer but it is fairly common. The thing that most people don't realize is it is not really insurance, but more like a "Dental Discount". Preventative measures such as cleanings and annual bite wings are typically covered in full. But most restorative work (fillings, crowns/caps, bridges, etc) are typically covered at a rate of 50-80%. Cosmetic work is typically not covered, and many plans do not cover orthodontics for patients over 18, but offer 1-2K per child. Also, most plans have a maximum benefit of $1500-2000 per patient per year. So if you need anything major (crown, or root canal and crown) your allowance will dry up VERY quickly. That being said, dentistry is very expensive and a little investment in preventative care can save you a lot of time, money, and trouble in the long run.

Take Care,

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 4:26 pm
by Joual
I have dental insurance through my employer. It covers ortho (up to a certain amount) for all ages.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 7:57 pm
by alexa
I had dental insurance through my father's employer, and it covered up to $1,000 a year and two dental ortho.

Now I have been cut off from that due to age and graduating from college. I also work for a small employer and while I get (lousy) health insurance, they refuse to offer dental because the employers don't need it--they can pay for their teeth out of pocket. :roll:


Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 9:13 pm
by SamanthaClavier
My husband HAD dental through his emplorer,i think it covered 80% GRRR wish we would have known how much his teeth cost to be pulled :( we would have used it before it ran out (april 1st)oh well,the company offered us to keep it but it would cost over $500 a month(wasnt worth 2 cleanings a year so i said NO NO NO) REALLY when it all comes down to it right now in our life its not worth OUR monies :D(insurance companys around here SUCK!(the one we HAD was in AL (he job was out of al) and we now live in Ms)

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:16 am
by Leslie022
I'm insured under my mom and daddy's insurance. Daddy is retired from state law enforcement and works for county law enforcement currently. I'll be covered under their policy until I'm 23 on one and 25 on the other as long as I'm a full-time student. The way it's looking, I'll be a student long after 25! I've received a little over $500 back for my braces, but nothing recently.