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One year anniversary + pics + opinions needed

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:38 am
by tatiana
Hi all. I have posted only once or twice before, but I read the board regularly. Anyways, a year ago today I was braced and I feel like the time has flown by.
I was Class III, but my teeth compensated for it so it never looked as though I had an underbite, and had some mild to moderate crowding. I was fitted with Damon3's and given an estimated treatment time of 15-18 months.
At my appointment last week, my ortho said "you'll be finished in about 2 weeks"...i was like, i know you can't be serious b/c i do NOT like my laterals. They were rotated when I started, and for me, were the reason I wanted braces, though friends and family thought my lower canines that were outside my arch were the big problem. I was under the impression that my ortho always had these teeth in the back of his mind since they were the only teeth that, to me, havent straightened out yet. But, no. At each appt I have to ask him "when are we going to fix these teeth" and each time it's like he's surprised i bring them up.
So, he took a look with his little dental mirror tool and said that the right lateral might need to be worked on, but the left seems fine. I wholeheartedly disagree and feel like when looking at me from the profile or straight on, the tooth doesnt look how it should. His basis that it looks fine is from looking at the arch with his little tool. Im frustrated and wish he would actually look at me head on to address this cosmetic issue.
I asked my family and they aren't too sure what I'm talking about, so I'm seeking the opinion of my fellow tooth-critical metal mouthers.



Opinion on this tooth needed: (my opinion, the tooth is facing the front too much and needs to be rotated out if that makes sense) I know it's "my opinion that counts", but I want to hear what you all think. Am i overly critical or do you all see the problem too?




this is the only view my ortho ever sees, so he thinks based on this alone, my tooth is acceptable:

Sorry for such a long post! Thanks for reading!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 11:27 am
by Joanna20
I don't think your laterals look that bad. What I do think is that it«s looks as if urs teeth flare outwards a tiny bit, and maybe that why the laterals are like that?!
I think you should talk to your orthodontist about it.
Good luck,

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 12:27 pm
by JoeMama
Your pictures make the point pretty clearly. Can you print them out and show them to your ortho? That might help. I think your teeth look great, but I understand what you're saying when I see the "profile" image.

I agree

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:26 pm
by Melancholyrose
About printing the pics and taking them to your ortho. I can see what you mean by that tooth. I can't really judge tho, my teeth are horribly crooked right now, in fact I have a recessed tooth under a 'fang' on the top jaw. I've only been in braces a little while though.

IMHO, since you are paying for this procedure, it needs to be done to your satisfaction. :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:39 pm
by dbagnell
Your teeth look great. I do see how that tooth faces more forward than it should - but I can only notice it by the closeup picture and the tooth circled - so I'm sure no one else will ever even notice. However, orthodontic treatment shouldn't be about fixing your teeth for others, you should be happy with your smile in the end. I agree, print the pictures and take them to your ortho, because from his/her view, your arch is perfect.

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 3:48 pm
by tatiana
well...i printed out the pictures to take to the ortho...let's see if I actually have the balls to show them to him next week!

Joanna20, as for the flaring...if you mean the angling of my teeth...I'm pretty sure that's because I had an underbite, and with no extractions, my upper teeth had to be pulled forward and angled out to cover my lower arch. im fine with that, but i just feel like the tooth is going to be flared out anyways, at least flare it towards the side more versus towards the front :)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 9:02 am
by Pirate Wench
I can see where the one lateral seems to be pointing the wrong direction. It is the most visible from the profile picture. I agree with everyone else....I would definately show the pictures to the orhto and see what he has to say about them. You have to be happy with the final results and if you aren't happy, then you need to say something.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:39 pm
by Skinny
As much money as we pay for Braces if your not happy and the probelem can be fixed then I would have it fixed. I know its hard to talk to Dr's but you must always remeber they are not always right.
Say somthing now while the braces are still on your teeth.
I think your teeth look Great by the way! Wow!
But if your not 100% happy then I would make him help you to be. That is his Job and your hard earned money.
Let us know what you dicide and what he has to say.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:58 am
by LoobyLou
I can see what you mean and I also have the same problem with the tooth on the opposite side.When I mentioned it to him he said ' it's in a pretty good position' but it wasalso rotated originally and I don't think he sees what I do. Orthos eh, sigh :roll: .

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:32 am
by Anticipator
I think we've got a very similar case, my lower canines (class III) and my upper laterals were the two biggest issues for me in terms of cosmetics.

How long did it take for your lower canines to get into the arch? What was needed to move them in there? Lots of archwire bending? Elastics? I'm still waiting for mine to get where they need to be.

I think I see what you're talking about on the lateral, it might benefit from a little rotation, but other than that your teeth look great. Congratulations. :tingrin: