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Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:54 am
by Fran1988
Hi er i am new to this site. Ok i have just literally come back from my othadontic appointment where i have just had my Spacers put in. The only thing however, was that i Passed out (how embarrasing). To help calm me, did anyone else also pass out at this stage or is it just me??? I would love your honesty in this matter. God i am gunna be soo embarrased going back next week.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:29 am
by Flora2006
Hi Fran1988,

Welcome to the board and congratulations on starting your journey to a perfectly beautiful smile : :P

To be honest, I never passed out...whether at the dentist office or any other place...BUT, when I went to see my dentist last novement after years of not going...I was shaking sooo bad that the chair was shaking and he said that I need to relax because I was making him nervous lol.

Doctors, especially doctors within the dental world know how much people don't really like them and how much people are terrified of them. Remember that dentists are now getting training done and are putting more emphasis on relaxing the patient because they know how scared patients get.

So the fact that you passed out may be a big deal for you, but it probably isn't for your ortho/dentist. They have seen that before. Patients pass out, throw up, shake, etc...they know things like that are bound to happen. So don't worry too much about it :)

Good luck next week.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 11:42 am
by poloaa
Fran1988, my spacers will be put on tomorrow early morning, everyone said spacers are more painful than braces, i am really nervous now, they said it only take for about 5 mins, how many spacers do u have??
Do u feel any pain now? I don't think it is embarrased because i think most of the people feel soooooooooo nervous once they sit on that "chair".
Take care and i will let u know how mine is done tomorrow.


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 3:25 pm
by Joanna20
Hey I'm getting mines fitted in 2 weeks! I'm really nervous too :? and I'll only have them for 24 hours, which is really weird but since I have loads of space in my mouth maybe I only need a few hours in it.
Good luck to u all,

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 5:30 pm
by nerdcore
I had spacers put in the other day, but I didn't pass out. The dentist did have a hard time getting them in between some of my teeth though, since my molars are tight. When one of them snapped in my mouth, I did jump in my seat and made a weird dinosaur-like noise (I didn't know I was capable of making Jurassic Park sound effects :) )

But if it makes you feel better, Fran1988, I've had my fair share of embarassing instances at doctors offices. Once during an eye exam, my doctor was up close, examining my retina or something and she kept moving around (when she was about four inches from my face). Since I had to stare straight ahead, all I saw was her head moving around and it looked like she was dancing. And then I started laughing... and couldn't stop. For about five minutes. When she tried to continue on again, I busted out laughing again, for another good minute or so. Suprisingly though, my doctor was cool with it and also laughed herself.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 2:28 am
by Fran1988
LOL I have only got the six spacers in at the moment, they went in ok. But then it came down to the bottem left side of my mouth. My ortho snaped 5 of them in my mouth, each time his tweezer things shot right into my bottom lip. I dont wanna put u all off if you are going to get them done, but my mouth filled with blood and i think my Ortho was a but shocked. :shock: which is why i Panicked and probably passed out :oops:

N e way as a consequence I have to have metal ones put in on Tuesday between my the molers on the bottem left, when i have my top braces applied.

oh and Poloaa, no they dont hurt they just make your mouth slightly ach for a little while. If you take some light pain killers you won't feel a thing :D

You'll be fine 8)