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Nervous about getting Braces off

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:14 pm
by Jim G.
Although I can't wait to get my braces off and reveal my straight teeth, I'm slightly nervous about the actual procedure. Many people have said there's no pain involved, just pressure... but my teeth are pretty sensitive. I have full metal braces top and bottom which I hear is much easier to remove than ceramics.

Anyone with any words of comfort? How long is the actual procedure of getting them off?

Thanks everyone.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 7:55 pm
by ssfw
Hi Jim G.,

Congratulations on getting your braces off tomorrow.

I suggest you share your concerns with your orthodontist/assistant and hopefully s/he will be extra gentle. I don't think there's a need for a local. It's a pretty quick process. If you have any discomfort it won't last long. You have already been through the difficult part - wearing braces and you survived the aches and discomfort that comes with braces so I know you will do great with the process of removing the braces.

Enjoy your special day tomorrow and keep us posted.


Posted: Thu May 04, 2006 8:43 pm
by Doug
It goes really quick. I think it took maybe 20 minutes for mine.
After they take off the wires the prongs on the brackets are exposed.
They squeeze those prongs together with a pliers and the bracket breaks away from the tooth surface. Not painful. Pulling the molar bands off can be a little more involved but still not bad. Then they come in and polish off the remnants of cement on your teeth. Very much like having your teeth cleaned at the dentist. I have very sensitive teeth and had very little discomfort from the debanding process.

Enjoy the day, you will be amazed at the change from before braces. Congratulations!

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:46 am
by Pirate Wench
:-V :-)o :-88 is the day.....enjoy having naked teeth once again!

Let us know how it goes. I am sure your ortho has had to deal with people with sensitive teeth before so make sure you say something to your ortho.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:07 pm
by Caralyn
Yah i have been worried about the same thing..i have had a bracket broken the office and when they scracped at my tooth it felt like a lot of pressure and was very sore! Is that all they all are?