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The pain Of it..?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:27 am
by Skinny
Hi there I will be geting my Braces on Thursday the 11th. Im a Weenie!!! :roll:
Could you tell me what kind of pain to expect? Also what should I go to the store and stock up on before I get them?
Im getting Damon Brackets Not sure what all the diffrences are with Braces? Im very new to it all. I have TMJ/TMD Really bad and an Overbite, I so tired of the head acks and pain in the Jaw that Im hoping this will fix the problem.
Any tips at all are welcome! Thanks...

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:36 am
by Pirate Wench
you sound like me....I have TMJ and an overbite as well as some crowding on the bottom. I will be getting my upper braces on June 15th. From what I have read here, everyone is different when it comes to pain. Everyone says taking advil before going for the brace placement appointment is a good idea. Someone has also mentioned something called, "Good Vibrations" and someone else has talked about a "bite wafer".

I will be watching this thread for everyone elses responses. Good Luck. :frogbraces:

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:04 pm
by Skinny
Hi Thanks I have crowding on the bottom too I really cant wait to get that fixed.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:52 pm
by Skinny
for some reson my ticker isnt working? Hmmmmmm?
I will look that stuff up and see what I can find.
For the most part I wonder if Over the counter pain med is helpful? Like motrin or somthing. If the pain can be helped by that I will be fine.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:10 pm
by WhyMe?
I took Advil before getting my braces on two weeks (almost) ago. It didn't hurt at all, and I thought that I was cool. Then I realized that with the spacers I could not eat ANY type of food that has to touch my teeth. So I can't even chew beans until Monday, I hope LOL! Stock up on wax and use it from the beginning. That was another mistake that I made, I went without wax for the first couple of days to "toughen" my mouth. Big mistake, I had sores and my mouth was very swollen. I was in major pain for a while there. Once I started with the wax, I could speak better and I actually went without wax yesterday. Woohoo! Also, stock up on soups, yogurt, applesauce (I like the mango/peach kind), pudding, and potatoes (for baked potatoes) so you don't have to worry about crunching down on anything for a while. You won't want to go to the store searching for these things after the fact. Of course you will need salt for warm salt water rinses. That's about all I can think of, but since you do not have braces yet, eat a huge sub sandwich and some pizza for me...I am starving!!!!!!!!!


Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 1:27 pm
by Flora2006
Pain varies for everyone.

When I got my upper ceramic brackets put on, I never felt any pain...pressure the first few days...but it was no big deal.

I got my lower metal brackets put on 5 days ago and I've been in constant pain for 5 days now...

So pain really works differently for everyone. If you want to make sure you really don't feel anything, than take an advil or another pain killer just to be sure.

Good luck :)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 7:59 pm
by Skinny
Wow you all are alsome! Thanks so much for all your advice. Im going to write all this down and go to the store. Thanks so Much!

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 8:08 pm
by Chris
I was worried that my TMJ would become worse during treatment. It didn't, well, all except during one brief episode of an elastic configuration (the dreaded figure 8 on the side). THAT put my jaw into spasm. I told the ortho and off they came. Better now. My current elastic configuration is not hurting my jaw.