Interviewing with braces?!

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Interviewing with braces?!

#1 Post by blondie111 »

I just found out that I have a job interview next Tuesday, the 9th of May! I'm excited about it, but I am still a bit self concious of my braces! I hope they don't make a difference in whether I get hired or not (I wouldn't THINK so, but it's in the back of my mind...)

Has anyone else experienced this? How did it go for you??

Maybe I'm worried about nothing :roll:


I'm 32 and will be in braces for almost 2 years!

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about interviewing

#2 Post by Elsuzanno »

Hi Blondie! This happened to me a few months ago...I'm in college and have ceramic braces so they aren't as noticeable but I was still nervous. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm pretty much always self-conscious of my braces so I didn't flash a huge grin or anything during the interview. But I figure that's ok since interviews are generally a serious, formal occasion. Anyway it's important to project confidence to show the interviewer that braces won't affect your future job performance in any way. Long story short, I got the internship in the end! Good luck to you!

p.s. maybe don't wear bright lipstick that will draw even more attention to your braces...

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#3 Post by JumpTheDitch »

Interesting problem Blondie111! I can't offer any assistance I'm afraid but I'd be interested in the outcome. Surely braces wouldn't really affect job prospects in 2006.... would they? :shock:

I've never had to interview in braces but I do work in an environment where they seem to be an alien concept and everyone seems baffled by them. You'd think they were a passing fad from the 16th century I'd personally decided to resurrect! :roll:

Best of luck with the job interview. I suppose the environment you're applying to work in can be a factor; is it an environment where looks are part of the 'package'? Or somewhere where it's more important that you do your job competently and efficiently? Hmm, I don't think I worded that right. I mean is it somewhere were your outcomes and professional performance are more important than any little orthodontia that may or may not be currently (and temporarily, remember) residing in your mouth? It is your mouth after all, and really none of their business. You'd like to think that unless they somehow interfere with you doing your job, there shouldn't be any problems. Should being the operative word though!

Maybe being confident despite (or because of) the braces can work in your favour? It may convince your new boss that you're self-assured and competent in any situation (ie: interviewing successfully in possibly-less-than-ideal-circumstances, able to rise to the challenge and present your best attributes, etc, etc?). It also suggests that you take pride in your appearance, and don't settle for "near enough" which can be a great selling point too!

Easy for me to say, huh? I guess at the end of the day people treat us the way we tell them we want/feel we should be treated through our body language, etc. I guess it all depends on how you sell yourself.

Very best of luck, I'm sure you'll do fine!
Let us know how you go :thumbsup:




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#4 Post by missingu »

I have to believe the employer is looking to hire the best candidate for the job, independent of issues such as braces, hair color, size of your nose, etc. If the job is directly looks-related (i.e. modeling), this will probably differ, but in a standard professional setting, braces generally do not impact performance, which is what the employer is going to be looking for.

As someone else said, the most important thing is to go into the interview with self confidence, and carry yourself with as much pride in your appearance as you would without braces. Being ashamed of your looks (i.e. trying to make the braces less conspicuous because you think there is something 'wrong' with having braces) will do you in in no time because it reflects "insecurity" and employers generally want employees who can take the ball and run, no matter the situation.

Anyway, who's to say the interviewer won't have braces?

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#5 Post by ingyandbert »

I really don't think people care as much about braces as you think they do. Everyone knows they're only temporary. As for a job interview, I can't see an employer passing on the best candidate just because that person happens to wear braces. If the braces don't bother you, they won't bother anyone else. Good luck.

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#6 Post by BlueeyedManda »

I interviewed with my braces (ceramic) and I got the job and then a guy was hired a few weeks after me and he has braces (metal) We work in a hospital and it is a professional setting. No one says anything about the braces. Good Luck. I hope people are not that shallow to not hire a candidate because they have braces.

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Job Interviews

#7 Post by Simba »

I really know how you feel... i got by braces on sept 05, they were delayed by a week or so cause i got the chicken pox! I had an interview the day after i got braces and i was convinced it was a waste of time because i had braces and the job was in retail. Plus the chicken pox marks still visible.

Anyway i was offered the job in the interview..but i didnt take it as i had to do 3 weeks training during the days and i already had a job during the day,..
next interview (i was looking for night, weekend work) again retail convinced not gonna happen cause i didnt feel i looked my best, but i acted condifent and got the job, still working there.

Then in january this year i applyed for a full time job working for the australian government, felt the same way everytime they interviewed me, it was like a 3months interviewing process, and each time a different person interviewed me i felt they are going to not like braces.
In my final interview i even brought up my braces... they asked me how i felt being a young person, and being able to be in charge of older collegues.. i said how ppl think im even younger now that i have braces!! but i didnt think that has any impact on how i do the job (age or braces)

I like working and again i have just applied for another job doing night work at the airport, they said i was so condifent and wanted me to work full time not casual. So the worrying is normal, but just be condifent and you'll be right.
If you dont get the job dont worry, apparently it takes 100 applications to get one job!

p.s. I'm fine with the job interviews, god knows i need help with the boys department and being almost 22 and having braces.
Braces on September 20th 05.

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#8 Post by ssfw »

Hi blondie111,

Good luck on your upcoming interview.

As for your concern about wearing braces and interviewing, I don't think most people give braces a second thought. If anything, a person would probably see you as a person with a goal of improving your dental health. I do feel today there are more adults wearing braces. As one of the other posts indicated, the people hiring are looking for the best candidate for the position.

I do understand your concern because I will be getting my braces in about 2 weeks and getting a little nervous. I know I will get over it, after the initial questions from people, after that, people will get use to the braces and the questions will stop. I have had my expander for about 3-1/2 months to correct my crossbite and I can't believe how better my teeth look in such a short time. The orthodontist will use the braces to reduce my overjet. I am so glad I decided to proceed with orthodontic treatment. I also truly believe there are alot of adults that want to take that first step and begin orthodontic treatment. I know a couple people that had braces and whenever I talked to them about their ortho treatment it is to inquire how it is progressing. I enjoy seeing and hearing about their ortho treatment.

Good luck on your interview. Keep us posted.

Quad-Helix expander: 1/20/06 - 1/16/07
Upper braces: 5/19/06; lower braces: 9/7/06

Braces removed: 8/19/08
Received retainer: 8/26/08 - wearing retainer 24 hours/day

Next appt.: 11/18/08

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#9 Post by Geri »

Blondie - I had the same concerns (you might be able to find a couple of previous threads about this subject if you do a search). Well, I acted confident and the braces didn't make a bit of difference - I got the job! I work in a professional setting in a city and I haven't felt uncomfortable about having braces. I really don't think it's an issue for other people - it seems a big deal to us but I think an interviewer is looking for a person who is qualified, friendly and composed- braces don't even figure! Best of luck on the 9th!
Music in the soul can be heard by the universe
Upper ceramics: 3 Oct 2005, Lower metals: 1 Nov 2005
Estimated treatment time: 18-24 months
Braces remove: April 4, 2007!

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#10 Post by Lucifina »

I just had a job interview a few weeks ago and I didn't worry about it. I had a brief moment of panic when I got the call and HR said we are interviewing you in the morning...eek! :shock: but then I was like whatever what can ya do? Be confident and don't even acknowledge them (the braces) Just make sure there is nothing hanging out in them like lunch :lol: I work for a huge corporate place but it was not big deal. Besides it makes you look young :wink: I did not get the job but the guy passed on my app and I am now going to interview for a different dept. Good luck :thumbsup:
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#11 Post by phoenix »

hi there!

i was in a similar situation last November. at that time, I have been in braces for about 8 months, and i had huge gaps just beside my canines where i had two teeth extracted.

i actually had to do two interviews. one for the VP, and the other one for the CFO for the largest land developer in our country.

funnily enough, i wasn't the least bit worried at the time about my braces. i've been going after a job in this company for more than a year, and i guess i just focused on what i could offer them instead of on the fact that my mouth is full of metal. :wink:

don't fret too much about it. if you're really what they're looking for, they wouldn't mind that you have braces. just prepare as much as you can and try to think of what they could possibly ask you at the interview.

and like most people have already said, confidence really will help you a lot.

oh and re: my interview? i got the job and i've been here at my new office for 3 months and everything's great.

good luck and i hope everything works out great!
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#12 Post by trequ »

try not to worry about it. ive been applying places lately to try and get a job, and the way i see it is, if they dont hire me because of my braces, then i dont want to work for someone who thinks that way anyways.

I just make sure I brush my teeth beforhand.

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#13 Post by Duffle »

It won't matter a jot. When I interview people I'm interested in whether they can do the job not whether they have braces, pink hair, bad teeth, big nose, etc. Though I may draw the line at BO:)

I've never experienced professional prejudice because of my braces whether that be in interviews or giving speeches, or just in meetings.

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#14 Post by blondie111 »

Thanks guys for all your support on this! I just wanted to give you an update as to how the interview went!

It was 9am this morning, and I was a little nervous. Since getting braces, I dont' wear any lipstick or anything, just chapstick (I have clear brackets on top). But for the interview, I wore a colored gloss, so I made SURE it wasn't on my brackets before walking in! As the gal approached me that was gonna interview me, she smiled, and to my amazement, she had clear braces on too! :HugeGrin: I was so relieved! And she was about my age I would say, early 30's. So that made me feel better.

The interview went fine, but I don't think the job is for me. Oh well, on to the next interview! 8)


I'm 32 and will be in braces for almost 2 years!

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Amen for lip gloss

#15 Post by 2XRound »

I have taken to wearing it and it seems to distract from the appliances. I have found a color that matches my pink ligs. When I go to a business meeting I have take to wearing a higher heeled shoe. 3 1/2 inch or higher sling backs or strappy sandals distract male colleagues quite effectively. :)

[size=150]Alexandra (Alex)[/size][/color]

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