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Painful Elastic Configuration!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 8:00 am
by victory1
I have 2 triangle on the right side! They are form by hooking the elastic to the top canine and the other end to the bottom canine & 1st premolar; the second one is form by hooking the elastic to the top 1st premolar and the bottom to the 1st & 2nd premolar. So the 1st premolar has 2 elastics coming from it. The size of the elastic is the 1/8 heavy 3.2mm. I also have a elastic on the left side but it's not a triangle, it's just hook up from the bottom 1st molar to the top canine and the size 3/16 heavy 4.8mm. Have anyone else ever had these configurations. Do you guys know what she's trying to fix? She refused to answer my questions. All she kept on saying was, we need to fix a few things, it's still not right! She's really getting on my nerve! I had a 12 month estimation and April made it 12 months and my next appointment is June 22nd. But the worse part is the receptionist let it slip that I had at least 2 more appointments after the one in June and my appointments are 6 to 8 weeks apart; that would mean I will have these braces until October making it 18 months instead of 12 months. I was very upset on Friday after my appointment and she refuse to tell me when she think I will be done! Sorry for venting, just a little frustrated!

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 9:03 am
by LoobyLou
Aww you poor thing, I know all about the upset thong. KK's right, make a consultation appointment and be firm wih your ortho. Tell her you're paying a lot of money and would like to know what's going on!

Good luck and chin up,

Love LoobyLou xx