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popcorn success

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:44 pm
by akabraces

I used to eat popcorn every day religiously before braces but then stopped since I heard it's not a good idea, etc.


I just had a severe drop in my blood sugar and needed some food so I decided to ransack the pantry for popcorn AND I just ate alot of popcorn with no problem. Granted I did it in the privacy of my own home, but I brushed right after and had no problem at all.....phew....

Now I'm excited that I can eat popcorn again, I was so sad to give it up!


Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 2:59 pm
by smilezofmetal2
I have been eating popcorn since I got my braces...and haven't had any problems with popcorn...even though my ortho told me not to eat it :twisted:...I know its bad but I eat most if not all of the things on the do not eat list :wink:

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 3:33 pm
by Skinny
I wonder why they say not to eat it?
I LOVE Popcorn....I eat it most everyday too! I will be getting my braces thursday. And man Im not wanting to give up popcorn. This is such good news for me! YIPPPY!!!!!! :D

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 6:45 pm
by Wyo_Stacy
The reason you are not supposed to eat it is because the kernels can get stuck between teeth. Often you will not even notice that it is there. Also it is easier for kernels to get up under your gums. The chance of getting an infection is much higher. It can end up causing a lot of problems.
I too used to eat it thinking if I was careful I would be okay. I got an infection and ended up having a 2 hour surgical procedure to clean out an area that had bone loss. (And it was not because I wasn't spending time cleaning every day.) It was all pretty scary because I wasn't sure if I would end up losing the teeth anyways. Thankfully everything turned out okay.

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 10:09 pm
by Missingorigin
OMG, wow, thanks for the warning, i have not aten popcorn but i have been tempted. :shock:

Posted: Sun May 07, 2006 11:58 pm
by drazda
I've had popcorn many times without any problems. I don't even brush right away afterwards. I don't have any molar bands if that makes a difference.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:05 am
by trequ
my ortho told me its fine to eat popcorn, just not the unpopped kernals. she said she doesnt see why other orthos tell their patients not to eat popcorn, because its pretty much the same as eating popcorn without braces, the only problem is it has more places to get stuck. but if your ortho says not to eat it, then i wouldnt.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 8:10 am
by nimo
I've gotten to the point where I'll be about to put something in my mouth, or it'll be in, and I'll think, "Oh, man...I can't chew this!" Sometimes I can chew very carefully with hard things, or sharp things like potato chips. But stuff with caramel...I won't even venture into that territory.

I've had a couple kernels of popcorn, but I'm always careful about chewing it. Usually I roll it around and let it get soggy before I chew, which is kind of gross. Hence the reason I don't eat a lot of popcorn. :lol: But my ortho didn't say absolutely not on any foods. Just said to be really careful with hard stuff or sticky stuff.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:14 am
by Way Too Old For This
I have eaten popcorn lots and lots of times since getting braces. It does get stuck everywhere, but my trusty Waterpik gets it out of pretty tight places.