Wish me Luck tomorrow Please

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Wish me Luck tomorrow Please

#1 Post by Gennel »

Ok the day is finally less than 24 hrs away. My appt is at 1pm tomorrow.
I've had this countdown in my head. Today was very strange sort of like my mind went numb with too many thoughts. I know things will be less traumatic than I imagine ( I hope so at least) I typed up several questions that I wanted to ask the ortho tomorrow. I also asked my daughter also if she had any questions that she might forget to ask the ortho tomorrow. Her main concern is that she never has enough anesthesia. I think it's low tolerance to anesthesia. Two previous times other dentist have had to give her 5-6 shots for one tooth . Also both times she had to endure pain because they did not want to give her anymore shots.They kept on asking her " Are you sure it's hurting?" one dentist kept telling her " But I gave you more thant I give most patients already.
I asked them to stop and give her another shot because I saw tears streaming down mydaughter's cheeks and she kept squeezing my hand and moaning in pain. So this ortho MUST consider this when he extracts 4 premolars from her.

Well that's all for now. I will be back tomorrow with news on how soon I can expect to get the brackets on my teeth. I want this to go quick before I chicken out. I HAVE TO DO THIS. That's all I have in my mind

Thanks everyone for your amazing threads with so much info. I love this place and will mention it to the ortho tomorrow


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#2 Post by MATEO'S »

well good luck tomorrow, hope all goes well...mateo's :wink:

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#3 Post by missingu »

I hope all goes well, though I didn't exactly follow what was happening!

Are you getting braces?
Is your daughter getting 4 premolars pulled? By an ortho?

Nevertheless, I hope all does go OK. If anesthesia is definitely a problem, maybe you could opt out tomorrow and go with an oral surgeon who could do it under general. Might be less traumatic, but you know her best. If you do change your mind, you certainly wouldn't be the first person, so they should be OK with it.

BTW, there is clinical literature that women metabolize anesthesia faster than men, but most dentists aren't aware of that or tend to "dismiss it." Sounds like you are a good mom in fighting for what your daughter needs.

Good luck.

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#4 Post by Crensmeyer1 »

Good luck tomorrow. I can't wait to here how it went for you and your daughter. Keep us posted.
Braced 05/02/06
Ceramic uppers & lowers


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#5 Post by Gennel »

I'm back! I can't believe I walked into the orthodontist office! Ok I had to take 1mild sleeping pill about 1 hr before the appt. Yes I was that nervous.
I told him just how nervous I was. He asked what was I actually nervous about and I told him about my negative dentist experience and he said he totally understood. Since I have two bad mandibular molars on the bottom that need to be extracted I asked him if it was enough just by taking those two out. He was extremely gentle and checked my bite several times and told me that my top teeth do not over lap my bottom completely and this deffinately needs to be fixed. So I have to have 2 premolars extracted on the bottom + the 2 bad molars on the bottom also +2 top premolars for a total of 6 teeth that will pulled this Thursday morning at 9 am. He told me it will probably be 30 months to wear the braces. One thing that was good was that he says he can band my back molars WITHOUT having to put in spacers! I will hold him to that promise when I get my brackets put on. Since I will require more things done + time my braces will be $5,500. Ouch,ouch in my wallet!!! Another thing I asked about was if he shaves down the teeth to even them all out once the braces are off . He does this for free ,probably the same day the brackets come off. He said that he makes sure that your teeth are straight and even. I asked this because my daughter's two front teeth are longer than the rest. He said that is super simple to shave down and he does all the front teeth. He had braces himself and he also put braces on his brother who is also going to become a dentist soon.
Ok now for my daughter's brace story! The ortho checked her today again and said that he could possibly put the brackets and wires without having to pull any teeth! He said she's on the borderline of having her teeth pulled. But he is putting her braces and is going to wait up to 6 months and see her progress. If the progress is good then she will just have her braces on for a total of 24 months without any teeth extracted!
I'm happy for her!! She got the brackets put on today on her upper and lower all in like 30 minutes. It was painless for my daughter and she was really excited. I gave her Ibuprofen as soon as we got in the car. He said to give her tylenol every 6 hrs for 5 days straight.he said the first soreness will be within 5 days or less and after that she will only need tylenol after each adjustment. He does adjustments every 8 weeks. I told him that many people get them every 4 weeks . He told me it sometimes depends on many factors and different wires used.
So my teeth get extracted this thursday and the orthodontist told me to give him a call when I feel my soreness go away. He said I could wait up to two weeks if I felt more comfortable but I told him that if I was well within a week or less that I wanted the brackets on ASAP.So I'm hoping by next wednesday or thursday.

I told him it was because of this forum that I was able to find the courage to walk in as a patient and not as a parent that was there for her daughter's braces. He wrote down the website address. I told him if he would only have a website and address the issues of severe dental phobias ,he would gain the trust of soooooo many people that he would have a line outside his office a mile long just to see him!

Below is a picture showing of which premolars and molars I will have extracted. The ortho said that the extraction of my two molars will come out easy. I'm guessing because I lost half of each of those molars !
I wish I would have done this when I was younger and I would only have 4 extractions but this is the price I must pay!

Thank you everyone for sharing your stories and pictures!


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#6 Post by phoenix »

good to hear that everything went well for you and your daughter.

and best of luck to you on Thursday's extractions.

now as for your wallet... some ibuprofen and tylenol maybe? :wink:
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.


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#7 Post by alexa »

That's great that your daughter didn't have to have any extractions!

Good luck to your for your extractions and congrats on taking the first steps to a new smile! :D
Spacers: 1/26/05; 2/6/06; 3/15/06; 4/24/06
4 First Bicuspids removed: 2/2005
Metal Braces, top and bottom: 3/1/05; Debanded 7/26/07
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#8 Post by Skinny »

That is great news he sounds like a nice guy and Im sure you and your Daughter will have great smiles when all is said and done.
Insted of being scred try to be Thanksful that you can have it all done and that you wont have to suffer any longer.
Im 30 Female
TMD, Crowding, Overbite
Clear on top Medal on bottom
Beauitful smile wishes to Everyone!

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