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Were you a breastfed baby? Survey

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:27 pm
by nahky
(Yes, this post is related to braces)

I was having a discussion with a friend the other day. She mentioned some documentary she saw about braces. Then we started talking about teeth. I mentioned that her teeth were straight. She said "yeah, because I was a breastfed baby".

I kind of saw her point of view, she spoke very ademently about the idea that all breastfed babies will have straight teeth. I know this isnt true because some heridity factors cannot be stopped. But I also do know that bottle-sucking and other factors of a non-breastfed baby can affect the growth of teeth.

I just found it interesting because out of all my siblings (I have 3 older sisters and one older brother) They were all breastfed, they all have straight teeth, and proper aligned jaws. Me on the otherhand, was a bottlefed baby , I have an underbite and slightly crooked teeth, my front two teeth splayed outwards. I was on the bottle until i was 4 i was told (how bad is that!)

So im just putting this question out there, Because this is the best forum to get this query out there. Because everyone here requires braces to an extent.

So, if you know, Were you a breastfed or bottle fed baby???

Just wondering if theres any strong correlation

tell us your thoughts on the matter :)

Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 11:53 pm
by brandee987
So, if you know, Were you a breastfed or bottle fed baby???
Bottle fed...

I have heard this also about breastfed babies which was one of many reasons I chose to nurse my daughter...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:23 am
by Svensk Tiger
It's true that bottle-feeding has an effect although, as KK says, genetics play a large part.

I was breastfed but had a dummy until my 6th birthday (yes, I'm mortified!). I have all the characteristics of a child that had either a dummy or was breastfed (too narrow upper jaw, excess vertical upper jaw growth and a retrusive mandible).

My youngest sister was breastfed and never had a dummy. She has beautiful teeth and perfectly shaped and aligned jaws. However, she sucked her thumb.

However, our middle sister was breastfed, never had a dummy and didn't suck her thumb but she has a too narrow upper jaw, a slightly too long lower jaw, and terrible crowding.

I think this example alone shows that genetics play a large part. Bottlefeeding a baby doesn't guarantee bad teeth but it does increase the risk. Likewise although breastfeeding doesn't guarantee perfect teeth I will certainly breastfeed any children I have though and not allow them to have a dummy as I want them to have the best chance of good teeth that I can give them.

This link is interesting, although there are some surgical and dissection pictures so a warning for those that are at work or of a nervous disposition! If you scroll down the page it has loads of presentations which are all really interesting.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:16 am
by KathleenH
I was bottle-fed, as were my siblings. We all have bad teeth, but so do my parents. My sister and I have teeth exactly like my dad's (well, I did, but not anymore), and my brother's are just like my mom's.

My husband was breast-fed, as were his siblings. They all have perfect teeth, but so do his parents. Dh's and SIL's teeth are just like their mom's, and BIL's are just like his dad's.

I honestly think genetics plays a much stronger role.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:30 am
by Duffle
I've just stopped breastfeeding my son, who's 8 months, and he 5 teeth are very crooked!!! Based on this I'm not a beliver that breastfeeding will lead to straight teeth!!! Though I'm sure his will straighten out once all his teeth come through.

I was bottle-fed and sucked my index finger, (not thumb), until I was 8 or 9!

Breastfed, but...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:40 am
by chinadoll
My mom only breast-fed me...but I managed to end up with my dad's crooked teeth and an open bite (despite the fact that I also never sucked my thumb). Luck of the draw, I guess!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:31 am
by butterfly
Breastfed, bad teeth. My siblings breastfed, good teeth. This seems to be BS. Teeth features are inherited. I have the same irregularities like my grandmother.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:22 am
by jcdamon3
When I was a baby in the US, breastfeeding was not "in style". I was bottle fed and had pretty straight teeth. I have braces for bite issues that got worse as I got older.

My sister sucked her finger and needed braces for an overjet.

My daughter sucked on a bottle until 2 1/2 and she needed braces for gaps on the bottom and top. No crowding, no problem with needing a palate expansion.

I think we can safely say that if you have a bad habit, ie Dummy (We call them Pacifier, but that's cute!) or suck on a bottle for too long, you can adversely affect your teeth. Breastfeeding alone will not guarantee good teeth.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 9:24 am
by alexa
I was bottlefed and have horrible teeth that look exactly like my dad's.

My sister was bottlefed and had (she's finally having a couple of problems...she's 36) pretty decent teeth.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:31 am
by sjsarre
I was bottlefed.. I don't believe that it has anything to do with the way teeth are. Especially now as most bottle teats simulate the breast almost perfectly.

To me it is mainly genetics.. Everyones mouth is different. I've got big teeth and a relatively small mouth. To me this proves that in my case it is purely genetics.

There are also other factors. Finger sucking when you were young or even in your older age.. The use of dummies as pacifiers I believe would do more damage than bottle feeding.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:25 pm
by Joanna20
Hey there :D I had never heard that theory, but it makes sence!
I was breastfed for about 2 months or so, but my problem came from sleeping with my mouth open when I was a child (how silly) and pacifier/thumb sucking untill the age of 11 or 12 (I already had all permanent teeth age 11 to make things worse)...
My sister has PERFECT aligned teeth, not even a single thing wrong with them, and so my parents and my family in general...! I was the little tooth freak :roll: My doctor says she can't believe how fortunate I was of not having my mouth more damaged than it is! She's incredulous...! She told me that I wouln't probably have any problem at all if it wasn't for the 11 years of thumb sucking :twisted: ! My parents should have cut my right hand! lol

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:37 pm
by lionfish
Another breastfed baby here. I think in my case, the bad bite is partly due to genetics.

One thing I do wonder about, though, is whether the breastfeeding was instrumental in setting me up with good dentition. Apart from a few filled back teeth, the rest are as good as the day they surfaced (remember, I'm a baby boomer who did not grow up with fluoride in the water supply).

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:18 pm
by Nervous
I was breastfed myself. Both of sisters had braces and my mom had braces when she was 30 and my dad had them when he was younger. So, I think my brace case is more nature rather than nurture.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:56 pm
by pvarier
I was breast-fed. I never took a bottle and yet I ended up with an overjet.
I think it is genetics since my aunt's have the same misaligned teeth.

Don't think it mattered

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:53 pm
by SueFromNJ
I was bottlefed, as was my little sister. My older two siblings were breast fed. All of us could have used braces growing up. But my teeth were by far the worst of us four siblings. I don't think it mattered what way I was fed, since my teeth could not fit in my arch as a single row of teeth. A couple of my canine teeth were in their own row, with no break in the line of teeth behind them, which meant there was no room for them at all. I don't think being bottlefed had anything to do with it.

Also, in my family, I am the only one with migraines, so I think my head was just put together a little different than everyone elses! :)