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Getting braces May 23...and freaking out!!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:32 am
by eaglesoaring
Hi everybody. This is my first time here...and I found this site out of desperation. I'm 36 yrs. old, and so very nervous about getting braces. My Ortho said that I shouldn't get the clear brackets on top, because they don't move the teeth as quickly and as efficiently, so it will add months to my overall wearing time of 2 years. However, I'm really concerned about how I will LOOK. I've had crooked teeth (obviously) my whole life (my dad said it gave me "character", probably because we didn't have the money for braces), and they don't bother me. The only reason I'm even considering it, is because my tongue feels like it doesn't have enough room, and my jaw is feeling very uncomfortable.

Can somebody tell bad is the pain, really? And do the braces (METAL) look bad? Are the metal really more comfortable than the clear...and do they work more quickly than the clear brackets? I'm so concerned. Will I still be attractive????

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:09 am
by sjsarre
Hi eaglesoaring

Congrats on finding this forum.. I'm 31 soon and one of the main reasons I didn't get a brace sooner was because I didn't want to look awful... Also in my job I meet alot of people and first impressions do count..

I've got ceramic upper and lowers.. My Ortho told me there is little or no difference in treatment time.. He said that it was thought a while back that treatment times were longer but things have progressed and treatments have evolved.. The only thing the Ortho said to me is that I will be having adjustments on a more regular basis than some people do on this forum. So every 4 - 6 weeks. I just had my first adjustment today and I am booked in for just over 4 weeks time.

I don't know whether the metal braces are more comfortable.. But, the main problems I get discomfort wise is actually with the brackets on my rear teeth (the brackets are metal!) and the wire poking into the side of my mouth, but i've come to realise how great wax is!!!

The pain differs so much from person to person. The thing with me is that whilst i've been in alot of pain with mine, I realise there is a positive goal at the end of the day. That is for the first time in my life to have a smile that I am proud of.. So, I don't mind putting up with pain...

The metal braces don't look that bad. BUT, if you are concerned about the look and want to be more discreet, then I would definately go for the ceramics...

Hope this helps!!!


Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:16 am
by eaglesoaring

Thank you so much for your reply! I really appreciate you taking the time.

I am just a bit concerned, and have actually had thoughts about NOT getting the braces at all. However, you have made an exceptional point...A smile that I'll be proud of...I'll keep that in mind.

Again, thank you.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:33 am
by Dark_angel
Firstly relax and enjoy the summer :) its great weather here in the Uk and chilling on the grass is a great way to beat stress.

The ceramics especially 3M clarity have a metal sleve which the wire sits in so it shouldnt affect time too much if at all. You've got to remember there will always be set backs etc but they can be overcome. The ortho probably has little experience working with ceramics and therefore is trying to desuade you from them.

If you have your heart set on ceramics maybe you could get another consult or have the upper social 6 (the top 3 front on either side) ceramic and the rest metal.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:38 am
by eaglesoaring

Yes, I agree, I think I'll ask my Ortho about the top, front six. What is a 3M clarity? My teeth are fairly small, so does that refer to the size of the bracket?

Glad to hear it's beautiful in the UK!!!

And thank you, too, for replying. :)

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:12 pm
by Crensmeyer1

3M is the company that makes them, and Clarity is the type or model. If you Google "3M clarity" you will get links that will take you to 3M's website with all kinds of info including pictures.

I had 3M Clarity brackets put on May 2nd and absolutely love them. No real amount of pain in the process. There was some discomfort, but that was to be expected. I have had several people comment that it looks like I am wearing a retainer and not braces because they see the archwire, but not the brackets.

Hope this helps!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:32 pm
by new boy james
Hiya, i'm 29 and just got braced 1 week ago and was a little anxious aswell. I've got ceramic brackets top and bottom top 6 teeth as described above and my ortho reckons treatment time will be just as quick (about 8 mths) and i've done alot of research, including on this site, and i've found that it's usually the case. The ceramic looks fine aswell, i've found that so many people either don't notice at all or else aren't really that interested - people are more concerned with their own lives!!! . They're quite subtle and i'm used to them already.

I haven't experienced much discomfort - i haven't even needed my wax! I'm just looking forward to seeing some results.

Many people are quite justified in their desire to move their teeth solely for aesthetic reasons. But you have serious jaw problems aswell so would recieve DOUBLE the benefits!! You'd get a beautiful smile aswell!!

Take my advice, get the braces. It's really not that bad i have found. It's the start of an amazing and hopefully rewarding journey and we're all in it together! :D

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:49 pm
by eaglesoaring
New boy James & Crensmeyer1, you both have been helpful. Thank you!

I will google the 3m clarity. I also found info. on Damon they have that here, in the states? I found it easily in the UK, but not one provider here!

Yes, we are all in it together :lol: Thanks again. I'm trying NOT to freak out too much. My 9 yr old son actually got UPSET that I was getting braces! He said, "Mom, you look fine just the way you are!! Please don't get braces!" He was beside himself, honostly, and I think that's the reason I've been a little upset and worried.

Have a beautiful day!

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:00 pm
by lionfish
Hi eaglesoaring,

I'm a bit like you, was very nervous about showing braces (I'm a dreadful introvert at the best of times).

I went for linguals on top (completely undetectable, but cost more) and ceramics on the bottom. The ceramics are barely visible and the only people who have spotted them are those who have sat next to me.

I don't believe that ceramics take any longer to do the job than metal braces.

As far as pain goes, I've had very little and not enough to reach for the painkillers. But it's still early days for me as I'm only three months in.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:15 pm
by jennandtonic
Definitely research ceramics if you are very worried about the look. My ortho said that I could get ceramics if I chose, but they were more expensive and I'm paying out of pocket so I chose to go the metal route. I was very worried about the look, too, because I attend college and know literally NO ONE at this age who has braces! I know some older people with braces, but hadn't met any college-age people with them, so I was worried.

However, now that I have them, it really isn't that bad. I smile the same amount I used to because I know that in 2 years I'm going to have a smile to be PROUD about.

Plus, with all the money I'm spending on these braces, I'd better show them off! :D

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 6:29 pm
by ssfw
Hi eaglesoaring,

Don't change your mind about getting braces, especially if you are having some discomfort in your jaw. My guess is if you don't have ortho treatment, your jaw problem may get worse. I think you will be so happy if you decide to get the braces because you will see the changes in the way your teeth look and hopefully you will have less discomfort in your jaw.

I'm going through the same thing regarding type of braces to get. I will be getting my braces on 5/19/06. I initially was planning to get clear brackets but at my last appt. , I asked my orthodontist about the clear and metal brackets. He said with my ortho correction, I can use either and have the same outcome. He did tell me that the clear brackets take about 3-4 months longer. Appts. for self-ligating metal would be approx. every 8 weeks and every 6 weeks for the clear brackets. I don't mind going to the ortho's office more often but would like to finish as soon as possible. He said the self-ligating brackets do not use elastics which makes it easier to keep clean. I know I probably won't make a final decision until I'm at my ortho's office. I think I will want to see the demos with the clear and metal brackets. I know people will know I have braces and initially there will be lots of questions but the questions will stop because people will be use to you having braces. If the self-ligating metal brackets are as small as they look, I'm truly thinking about getting the metal since they will be easier to keep clean. I will ask my ortho for his opinion. As I said in a recent post, a couple months from now, I will be wondering why I stressed out over which type of brackets. I'm just so happy that I began the orthodontic treatment because in my mind it was now or never.

Good luck on your decision and keep us posted.


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 9:44 am
by eaglesoaring
To all who replied...I can't thank you enough for you thoughts and encouragement!! What a great group of people! I'm so glad I found this site.

I did some research on the Damon 3 system...or self-ligating brackets. I have learned that there is only ONE Ortho near me that does them. So, I've decided to have a consult there, and another consult NEXT WEEK, at an office about 45 min. from me. Worth the drive, if you ask me. Currently, my thoughts are that, if possible, I'm going with the Damon 3 system. The brackets are half metal, and half porcelain, but the metal portion is pretty small, based on what I've seen. Further, the wearing time is less, and with my overcrowding, there's less of a chance of needing to pull teeth!! My current Ortho wants to take two of them. Well, if it's necessary, then that's fine, but if I can keep these teeth, I'd be happier. I mean, I'm kind of attached to them!! They've been hanging around my mouth for many years...I'd hate to see them go!! If anybody has Damon system (not even sure if I'm saying that correctly), please give me your input. I'll probably post a new message to that effect.

Have a beautiful day!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 10:41 am
by Gennel
Go for it ! I chose the pale gold brackets instead . My ortho said that the gold or metal brackets are the strongest. He has no doubts since he has been doing this for years now. If the crowding on your teeth is not that bad then clear brackets might be for you. As for you feeling uncomfortable with your appearance and your age...people that are mature will not make fun of you. Instead they might not even mention anything about your braces because you are doing something to improve about yourself . I am just about to admint that I'm your age also! There I admit it! lol I have very bad crowding and need to wear them approx 24-30 months total. Depending on my results They might be off in 24 months! I will do my part to make that come true. I have seen 3 people with the gold brackets and you know what? I hardly noticed that they were wearing braces at all! I was like OMG, I didnt notice she had braces on until 10 min into our conversation. If you are confident when you have your braces on then that will be a big + for you. I know the first day of seeing yourself in braces might be shocking . It is 100% normal . Mydaughter just got braces on Monday and she was so happy but as soon as she got into the car she burst into tears. That lasted about 5 minutes on Monday and now she's always grinning and telling me " Check out my Grillz Mom! :) The best part is when you see amazing results in a few days.We've seen results already on her front two teeth and she's so motivated now. Whatever you do, don't give up. I am the biggest phobic and have lost a few nights sleep over this.I am still going through with it and I should be braced in about 2 or 2 & 1/2 weeks!


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:01 am
by eaglesoaring

Hey, there! I'm glad to hear your daughter has gotten over her disappointment, and is enjoying her "Grillz"!! And I would like to say to're right, if you're confident when you get the braces, you'll do fine. My Ortho asked me if I had seen any other adults with braces, and I told him, "NO"...but upon review of the people I know and see, about 3 of them have braces...and I never even noticed!!! LOL.'s like when you drive a certain type of'd never noticed them before, but when YOU have one, suddenly it seems like there are hundreds of them on the road!!!

I, too, have lost some sleep over this, and can't wait until Wednesday, to see if I can get the Damon system. It's given me new excitement, and get a second opinion, so I'm doing great! Thank you for your words, and just know that I'll be pulling for you, too...okay???
Have a Happy Day!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 5:04 pm
by catu
Hi eaglesoaring!
I'm new here as well. I just noticed that I'll be getting my braces just a day before you do, May 22. :) I'm feeling a bit nervous, too. And I still don't know which braces to go with, silver or gold.
Anyway, I hope everything turns out ok with you. And let us know how it went. :)
