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Just got braces and PA today = )

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:15 am
by poloaa
Hi everyone, i got braces on upper and bottom and PA on the upper today, i feel really okay w/the braces, except the PA. Hardly swallow and move my tongue when i try to speak, anyone who has this feeling?? HOw long does it last? I may need to put for couple months, sigh...that is the only thing bother me now. My sons both said i look good, lol, they did not ask many questions, just looked at my braces and said, "wow, good", they won't have braces until years later, still too young.

Good luck to everyone. :D
*ps by the way, i don't think i can bite on food now cus the upper teeth will hit the bottom bracket, how long does it last to change my bite, so it is a good way to lose weights, isn't it??

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:10 am
by Skinny
Hey there!
Glad to hear everything is going well for you. I got my braces put on yesterday. I was in so mch pain lastnight. I couldnt eat anything not even noodles because I cant put my teeth together either. Im wondering the same when will the bite be fixed so the teeth can meet up again?
Today I feel a bit better just preasure and pulling. kinda anoying more then anything. Not even the Advil will take that away. Flossing really hurt! My teeth already feel as if they are loose.
Well Here's to hoping that our bite gets better soon or we will be loosing some weight for summer wether we want to or not! :roll:

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:59 am
by poloaa
Skinny, thanks for your message, i feel annoying on the PA, and the food has no more taste for me, hopefully this feeling will be gone soon, good luck to everyone of us who has braces, lol. U are lucky that u don't have to wear PA, i have overbite as well and two teeth has been pulled about three weeks ago.
Talk to u later, thanks again.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 11:53 pm
by TuZZi
The TPA does take a little time to get used to, but not as much as you may think. It took me about 3 days to not notice mine, and eat "normally" - as normal as I could eat un-solid foods that is. However, I got my braces a month prior to my TPA, so your mouth is getting used to a whole lot of new stuff all at once in there.

Take it easy, talk a little bit slower, and try not to mash food against the roof of your mouth. I had a problem with wanting to do that for the first little bit, but once I realised how much of a pain the TPA wass to clean with all that gunk up there, I stopped that pretty quick.

Good luck!

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 4:28 am
by poloaa
You guys are right, my TPA doesn't bother me as much as before (the first day), but i still need to eat slowly cus the hooks on my sides will hurt my lips if i eat too fast and i got to cut everything in little pcs unless they are very soft food. I feel better and better everyday, thanks for all the help and support.
