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Crown work

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 7:04 am
by krooner
Hi it's me again! I had consults with two orthos and I'm thinking of getting braces just on my top teeth. I have some bad old fillings on top and bottom and my dentist is working on doing crowns on me. Both orthos said the crown work shouldn't interfere with the braces, but, the last one told me I might want to wait until the braces are off to get one on the top done (it was the one we were going to do next). Anyone have any experience with this? I know I need to talk to my dentist and the ortho but I was just wondering if anyone could share any experience. Thanks in advance,


Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:16 am
by jas_2008
I'd say braces first then the crown, if your situation allows... check with your dentist. I have a crown in the front and am having a hard time to get the bracket glued to it. as a matter of fact the bracket has fallen off three times in nearly two months, because the glue (even the special ones) just doesn't work well with a porcelain crown. very frustrating.

Good luck!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:17 am
by poloaa
I got one crown on my right bottom first molar and they skipped putting anything there.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:36 pm
by josephine
I think it will also depend on where the crown is and how hard it would be to work around the braces relative to the crown. And I'm told there are different adhesives for use with porcelain crown and with gold crowns. I have one weird tooth with both porcelain and gold on it, and that just was too complicated. After three brackets popped off, they just banded the tooth (it's in back).
Also keep in mind that as your bite changes with the braces, the wear on your crown could change too. That might be an additional reason to wait if the problem isn't too urgent.