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I have a B-day set!

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 3:42 pm
by Nille
Well, I go at 8:30 a.m. on May 23rd! :banana: I am a little nervous and still trying to decide if I want ceramics or metals. I like the idea of ceramics being less noticeable but don't know if I want to deal with the issues of staining. I LOVE my coffee and tomato based sauces! My ortho said he will do wire ties or whatever I want b/c he wants me to be comfortable. He mentioned I would need powerchains at the end to close the gaps on top. I meant to ask if I could get those colored, like maybe silver or light blue so they wouldn't be as noticeable

He said he had ceramics as an adult and given the chance to do it again he would choose metals. He says they are alot more comfotrtable b/c of being smaller in size and profile. Maybe I should just go with metal since he feels so strongly about them. The biggest advantage would be that I could eat or drink whatever I wanted without worrying about staining. He says they are actually smaller than what I had 15 years ago.

My husband says it doesn't matter what I get, people are still going to see them. He doesn't care which ones I get so sometimes I ask myself why I'm even worried about it! :-+ Why do we humans have to be so vain? :oops: :roll:

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 10:08 pm
by Flora2006
Go with what you want and what you think will be the most comfortable for you.

Ceramics are great if you want your braces to be less noticeable. I have ceramics on top and metal on bottom and love my ceramics. I would love to have ceramics on my bottom as well but my ortho didn't really want to because of many reasons.

Metals are smaller but if you don't want your braces to be too noticeable...than go with ceramics.

Also, I do not feel ANY difference in terms of metal or ceramic brackets feeling more comfortable than the other ...whether metal or ceramic...they both feel the same way.

Good luck...and whatever you decide...make sure it's what you want and what will make you feel comfortable.

Congrats on getting your braces soon. Let us know how it goes :)