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Worse possible scenario...extractions

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 9:46 am
by mominbraces
Hello everyone,

I went for my second adjustment yesterday. Although
there has been some definite movement of my upper
teeth (the only ones braced right now) the ortho decided
that I need 2 upper teeth extracted ASAP, and will
eventually order the removal of 2 lower teeth.
During all the pre-banding consultations (that
lasted almost 8 months) he referred to extraction
as the worse possible outcome for me, that
he would do anything to avoid it...and now it is upon
me. Despite alot of questioning, I still haven't been
able to quite figure out why he viewed the extraction
route as such a horrible prospect. He did say that this
would lengthen my treatment plan :( , and he made
the usual comments about my profile changing until
the gaps fill :(. So aesthetically it's a crummy
prospect...but I would think otherwise it would make
things easier, in that at least there is more confidence
that the job of straightening my teeth can get done.

I have read enough extraction stories on this forum
to know that if it has to be, then so be it...that
eventually everyone manages to get their gaps
closed, and all is well that ends well. But I still
feel crummy over all this. Any encouraging words
are welcome. Thanks for listening.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:17 am
by sjsarre
Hi mominbraces

It would be nice to know what worse case scenario means.. Maybe he was just hoping that he wouldn't have to do extractions. Maybe that is just the worst case scenario and if it is, then its not that bad :D

I knew I was going to have extractions done. The Ortho did toy with the idea of none. Then it was two. Then it was four. AND, it was four. He said to me that he wanted to get the best possible result for me with the amount of money and time and patience put in he didn't want a half hearted measure or attempt and wanted me to be 110% happy with the result.

When he says worse case scenario maybe its not quite in the way that you think he means.. I know you weren't expecting it and the way he put it at the start of your treatment probably wasn't the best way to go around saying it, but every Ortho is different. I've heard of some really kind and really friend Ortho's on this board (and bad!) but there is alot of variation in the way they describe treatments and sometimes that can put you on edge.. Sometimes un-necessarily.

My worst case scenario would be jaw surgery. That would be terrible. In fact palate expansion would definately measure as worst case aswell.

My four extractions were painless and in just over three weeks time I get springs put on to start closing the gaps.

I am sure that your treatment will prove successful. Its good that the Ortho isn't trying to settle for second best and wants a perfect outcome for you.

Chin up... Hope it all goes well for you.


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:22 am
by KathleenH
I had chosen my orthodontist because he is known for minimal extractions. He believed that it was possible to treat me without removing any teeth. Whereas other orthos I'd consulted said extractions would be necessary. I'd also been told I'd be in braces for 15-18 months before having jaw surgery.

13 months into treatment, it was determined by both the ortho and the OS that I would need my lower bicuspids removed for optimal results. I was not very happy, as obviously my surgery would not be in a couple months as anticipated, but would have to wait for extraction gaps to close. So 10 months after the extractions, I was able to have my surgery.

I think you are fortunate to know this early in the process that you will need extractions. Yes, it adds time to the treatment, but having it done sooner than later should help to minimize the extended treatment time. And yes, the profile can change for the worse for a brief time, but the end result is so much better.

Did the extractions really help give me the optimal bite? It appears so - I am super pleased with my bite (finally!) and I love knowing that I have done everything possible to achieve the desired result. I know too many people who have said, "My ortho recommended (this), but I didn't want to do it. I wonder if the result would have been better." I am glad that I have no regrets.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 10:48 am
by momof2grlz
Sorry to hear you're facing extractions. My journey has been similar. Initially, my ortho said he didn't think extractions would be necessary, but since I wasn't willing to have jaw surgery, he took a wait and see attitude. Well, a year into my treatment, extraction of two upper premolars became necessary. Can't say I'm thrilled about extracting perfectly good teeth, but I wanted the best outcome I could get - which still won't be 100%, but it will be better than where I started.

Hang in there and keep your eyes on the prize! It will all be worth it in the end.


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:50 pm
by purple
Hi, sorry to hear thats going to slow things down!

I had two top and two bottom molars removed before getting the braces and I was incredible nervous but i have to say, it was absolutely fine.
I felt nothing at all!

The braces are much more painful than the extractions! you'll be fine.


Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 5:31 pm
by boxerinno
hey mominbraces, :)

i've been there where you are right now. i even had an emotional outbreak today, cause my ortho told me i will most probably have to say bye bye to my first left lower biscupid (cause my left central is not really positioning itself as it should). and that hurts me a lot, since my teeth are really healthy, but it has to be done, cause my jaw is simply too small. most of us, incl. yourself, have that. i've been told that our jaws are getting smaller from a standpoint of evolution, so i wonder how small will be the jaws of our great grandchildren or even further in future... :)

besides this upcoming extraction i had two upper biscupids extracted prior to the braces. believe me, i'm utterly honest here, it didn't hurt at all! a few anesthetic shots in gums and some mins later and you're done. i just don't like the sight of my dentist pulling my tooth and watching him doing it, but it doesn't last long. i've even walked home alone from after the procedure. just don't do anything stressful later on that day and be careful not to drink anything hot and avoid hard and chunky food for at least two more days. you can even exercise the next day.

lastly, just think of all of us here, and that will definitely give you ease and comfort. ;)

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 9:45 am
by Henna_the_braceface
i had my upper and lower bicuspids removed aswell. seriously it doesn't hurt. you'll probably feel a little bit of pulling while they take the teeth out but thats about it because you won't feel any pain. the local anaestheics do a great job! good luck! :D

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 10:02 am
by mominbraces
Thanks everyone for the replies. I am not nervous
about the actual extraction. There'll be post-op
pain, but I had 5 gum grafts before banding, so
I'm an old hand now at OS recovery. It's the gaps
between my teeth that I hate to think about, and
I'll hate the sight of them. I'm having the archwire
reattached, and the holding arch put in place 1
hour after the surgery, while still numb. (It's OK
with the ortho.) It was either that, or wait nearly
a week to get an appointment to have the hardware
put back on. I don't want to wait one extra second
before starting to close those gaps.

It seems clear now that my "to extract or not"
experience with the ortho is very common. In
retrospect it seems like a no-brainer that
I would need to have teeth extracted. I would have
been so much happier if he would have kept the negative
remarks to himself, and just had me do the extraction
before banding. I feel that I have lost 2.5 precious