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And I did this because..... ?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:15 am
by Willz
Hi, I'm Willz. I just got my braces on this week. Omg kill me now! Why on earth didn't I do this when I was a kid? As much as I really wanted straight teeth I don't know that I can put up with this for 18 months. Please tell me it gets easier. Right now I'm scared of everything I eat lol. Maybe this could become a new celeb diet. :P

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:46 am
by momof2grlz
Welcome, Willz!

Hang in there - it does get better in just a few days. We've all been there. In a couple of weeks you won't even remember that you have braces - except for all the brushing and flossing.

The soreness goes away and you can go back to eating most things. Warm salt water rinses help with sore spots on your cheeks and wax on rubbing brackets and wires.

Good luck!


Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:33 am
by sjsarre
Definately Willz

Its been nearly six weeks since I had my brace put on.. I took a long time for the pain to ease for me and I did question what I had done.

but now, i've got used to it. The pain is bearable. Discomfort minimal (speaks too soon......!!)

Definately salt water rises. Wax as and when you need it. Keep your teeth very clean.

If you don't feel you can chew then soft food for the time being. it took a month before I could start chewing.. :D

I don't regret it now!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:57 am
by Skinny
Hi there I have had my braces on for a week today. And yesterday was the 1st day I didnt have any pain. I still cant eat much and I have lost 7 lbs so far. My brackets hit so I cant close my teeth all the way to chew. So Im on very soft food diet.
I wondered the same thing and there were times I was looking for the wire cutters. I wanted the dam things off. I still know they are there. and eatting sucks! But the pain gets better and better everyday you have them on. Good luck! I hope it gets better for you.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:07 pm
by lionfish
Hi willz,

Another Oz person here (I'm in Sydney). It does get better, much better. I'm sure your celebrity diet will soon be history.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:48 pm
by Way Too Old For This
Hang in there Willz and Skinny. It gets better. I kind of felt the same as you .....eek what have I done. Then I thought, oh well I'll lose weight thats a good thing for me. And I did, a little. But then everything got better. I can eat almost anything. If I can get it to my molars that is. Can't bite very well with my front teeth, so I rip and tear and cut everything.

Adjustments sometimes bring the pain all back, but the pain only lasts about 36 hours. It is amazing, I can wake up the morning after an adjustment with really sore teeth and by that night all is well.

The time in braces seems to go faster after a while also. I can hardly believe I've been wired for 8 months !

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 7:32 pm
by ingyandbert
The first few days are the worst and the discomfort will diminish after that. I don't even think about my braces anymore and eat everything under the sun without problems. Just remind yourself that if 10 year olds all over the world can do this, you can, too! :D

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:00 pm
by blackcat20
I just keep reminding myself that I did this as a 10 year old, so I most certainly can do it as a 22 year old 8) Its only day three for me, so the pain in my lowers is starting to subside, and ive realised how fantastic wax is, except when I remember half way through eating, and whoops too late :roll: Other than that, definately better than it was even longer having those "what the hell were you thinking" moments :D

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:07 pm
by Willz
Thanks all :D Yeah its getting a bit better now. Still trying to get used to brushing, and making sure I get everywhere. Are electric toothbrushes easier? :?:

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 11:12 pm
by jaxxie118
I can't really offer any advice since I haven't gotten my braces put on yet... but I'm sure everyone goes through things like that. Like someone else said, "no pain, no gain." lol I'm sure it'll get easier with time.