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New Kid On the Block Update.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:10 am
by Silverwolftec2006
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I am dealing with these braces better every day. Flossing is still a chore, but I have got it down to about 20 mins. It was taking me all most 35 at first. Then to make a really good laugh, the other week my upper left molar was beening an absolute bear, now this week the right molar is being a bare and the left is behaving itself. Go figure?

I have been using my flouridex two times a day. What a life saver. It really helps the sensitivity in my teeth, especially the two top molars that have power chains behind the teeth. I still manage to mangle my tounge once in awhile. The ones that are taking turns making my life miserable from time to time..LOL

I am not using the Phosfur so much because the flouridex works the same way but better. I have made a new found love with cheese sticks and sauce.. By the way having all silver braces and ligs has its advantages because it does not stain.

I just tell my friends that I have high class jewlery in my mouth like those rappers you see on tv..LOL They get the biggest kick out of that! Number one they know that I don't like rap, and number two they know I have a good sense of humor about this whole thing..

In a sadder mention I lost my fur baby Wolfgang, last friday. It was with a sadden heart that I had to let him go, but I knew that his pain and suffering would be over. He was the best dog I have known, and I did the most humane thing by letting him go. I still haven't removed any of his things yet. I am still in mourning.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 8:31 am
by snowbunny
On the flossing front, you could get yourself some TP (teepee?) brushes, pink are the smaller size. Much easier than flossing, you just poke them between your teeth.
So sorry to hear you've lost your Wolfgang. You did the right thing and as long as they've had a good happy life with you, you've done all you could.

Had a new thicker wire yesterday and my teeth are getting there - not quick enougth though!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:39 am
by Deb01
Hey Silverwolf
It's good to hear that your doing well with your braces. I'm sorry to hear about Wolfgang. :( I dread the day my basset hound, Daisy Duke passes away. It's amazing how much we love our animals. I think it's because of the unconditional love they give back. Some humans can't even give that.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 4:55 pm
by ingyandbert
First off, I'm sorry about Wolfgang. I've been in your shoes with my two cats, Ingy and Bert. The last act of love we can give our pets is to save them from suffering. Knowing that makes it just a little easier to deal with.

Glad to hear things are going better for you. You'll be glad you stuck with it in the end.