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I'm finally getting braced!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 1:22 pm
by chrissy18
hey everybody,

I just wanted to write and say i'm finally getting braces on June 14th
i am getting damon 3's . I ve heard that they are a little less painful than other braces. if any of you have damon 3's i would like to know if thats true.


Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:51 pm
by eaglesoaring

Congrats on getting a date!! I, too, have asked that question, and you'll find that everybody seems fairly happy with what they have chosen. I received some good replies from this site, and have learned alot. I've even seen some really good pics of Damon braces. I actually had a date of May 23rd, to get braced (with regular braces), but have cancelled, because I am meeting with another Ortho to get opinions on Damon 3. (My current Ortho doesn't even fit Damon 3). How long is your total wearing time? Are your teeth fairly crooked? Let me know, as I am interested in as much info. as possible before June 21 (my 3rd consult).
Thank you! And, again, I'm happy for you!! You really need to be comfortable with your Ortho and his/her skills. I really, really want Damon's and that's the reason I've postponed everything. So, I consider you lucky! But that's just my opinion.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 7:15 pm
by Seesa_In_Braces
dont get to ecited braces pretty much suck. sorry to break it to you. didnt mean to be so harsh. there not that bad, but they bug you a lot. I hate them and cant wait to get them off.