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brace face

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 10:34 am
by tesmama
I finally decided that I would do ceramic on my upper 6 teeth. :) I'm glad that I did for the looks but they are larger, sharper, and more uncomfortable than the non lig metal speed braces on my other teeth. Also I am trying to keep the ligs as clear as possible by limiting what and how I eat. The staff at the ortho also said I can come back to change the ligs every two weeks and will also teach me to do it myself so I don't have to come to the office as much. (As a mother of three, my time is very limited). My ortho gave me the option of changing the brackets to metal ones if I want to. When I get used to the braces I may take him up on the offer. But overall I think ceramic was the right choice for me. I feel more comfortable talking to people than I would with metal (vanity stinks!!!)
I really did not expect it to be so uncomfortable!!! :( My mouth is still sore (my braces were put on Monday May 15th). I can't eat much. I know it will be worth it but it will be a long year to 18 months!!!!