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Question from a newbie

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:08 am
by lillibut
Hi Guys!

First of all may I say that this is a BRILLIANT site, and it has given me the push (and courage) I need to get my yucky wonky teeth straight, so thank you!

So now I've decided to take the plunge, my question(s) is... how do I go about it?!!!

I live in the UK, and although I went to the dentist about a year ago for a check up, I don't really have a regular dentist (naughty I know).
Do I need a referal from a dentist or can I just go straight to an orthodontist? I was told by the dentist that I should see a hygienist, but I never got round to going (can you see now why I need a brace :lol: ), so should I do that first?

Should I get quotes for the cost from various orthodontists?

Thank you in advance!

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 10:15 am
by ingyandbert
I'm not in the UK, so I can't tell you how their system works. Why don't you phone the dentist's office and ask them? I'm sure they know and could possibly refer you to an ortho.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 9:43 pm
by Flora2006
You can definitely just go see an ortho without a referral...though I am not from the UK.

But it you haven't seen a dentist and had a cleaning in a long ortho will tell you to go have a check up and all. It's important for teeth to be healthy prior to getting braces.

It's great that you decided to take the plunge. Get a few consults from orthos and go from there.

Good luck :)

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 11:00 pm
by bbsadmin
Yes, first you need to make sure that you don't have any issues with your teeth, so you should have a thorough cleaning and checkup. In the US, you don't need to have any type of referral to see an orthodontist. Does anyone from the UK know how it works across the pond?

To get you started, be sure to read the "newbie" pages on the main ArchWired site, which explain a lot:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 7:46 am
by Dark_angel
Both times ive been in braces it has been from a referal at my regular dentist. But i believe you can make a consult to see a private orthodontist. Both mine (well all 3) have been NHS.

As for not having a regular dentist, the nhs provides many services as well as drop in type dentists for those who need work but do not have a permanant dentist. Also your local dental hospital (if you have one) will treat you.

Best to jump on the band waggon now and get a dentist before their all gone, cus thats the way its going. My mum hasnt been to a dentist in years and she recently experienced toothache and has had to trek to the hospital many times and now needs alot of work due to years of neglect.

The sooner you take the plunge the better, trust me it will be worth it.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:24 am
by lillibut
Thanks for all your help guys! Have my head in the phonebook, and will keep you all updated.

I can't wait to get started! xx

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:02 am
by Kazan

I am based in the UK. I think you are right in that you are not obliged to go through a dentist if you wish to see an orthodontist. That said - and I appreciate you dont have a regular dentist - it is often best to see an orthodontist by way of referral. First, the dentist will not have any financial interest in the referral and therefore you should get an unbiased opinion and the benefit of his knowledge of the reputation of local orthodontists. If you liked the last dentist you saw, it might be an idea to go back to him for a referral.

Second, some orthodontists will only accept patients by way of referrals form specific dentists. This is to manage patient numbers, ensure the patients coming to them are genuine, have reasonable teeth (!) etc etc. So, again, you might be better getting a referral otherwise the potential pool from which you will be choosing will be reduced.

Best wishes


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:58 pm
by lillibut
Thank you kazan.
Now have an appointment with a dentist on 6th June who said they would refer me if I need it. (Hum..wait until they see my gnashers! )
Hopefully my teeth won't need too much treatment health wise, and I can join you guys on my way to straight toothy pegs!

Liz xx

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 4:41 am
by river

Im from the uk and went through what your going through now. You can get braces either way, through the dentist via a referal to an ortho or directly through an ortho itself.

Iv done both , I went to the dentist who refered me to an ortho, this took around 3 months ( it all depends on the orthos waiting list ) At this ortho first consultation was £60 , second consultation was £80 and then for the braces themself £2900 not incl aftercare.

I couldnt afford to pay that much so i tried ring round ortho's ( just ortho's not dentists ) I got alot of your too old , we only except referals from dentist or theres a six month waiting list. but after ringing round 9 orthos i found one with a free consultation and could see me straight away. so thats what i did and here i am with braces and the best ortho in birmingham.

so if i was you i would pull out the telephone book and starting ringing the ortho's but be careful of consultation fees, always ask if its free or how much it is for a consultation and if theres a waiting list. if ringing round fails then stick to your dentist and ring them once every two weeks to if theres any news or ask the dentist for the number of the ortho they use so you can check up on things yourself

sarah x

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 5:40 am
by lillibut
Great advice thank you!

Phoned one ortho and was told consultation £87 then if I needed x-rays of my teeth (which I think I would if having a brace?!!!) it would be £128. YIKES!! Knew it would be expensive, but just for a consultation?!! (How I wish I'd worn my brace when I was little)

Will try to ring some more now after your advice. Thanks xx