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Extract Only One Tooth?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 3:32 pm
by toon-town-brace-face
Hi and thanks to anyone who reads in advance.

I'm going for 'records' this week, top braces right away and bottoms in a few months. My orthodontist wants to extract only one tooth from the bottoms (an incisor), saying that only he and my dentist would know that was the case. Is this a common approach to correct crowding

I was under the impression that extractions are done in pairs for a balanced visual look. I'm guessing that having an odd number of bottom teeth will have a centered look when all is said and done.

Thanks again

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 4:15 pm
by lilsisbet
Having one tooth removed is not uncommon. If your curious to see what the final outcome could look like... take a look at Lora's blog. I hope she doesn't mine that I often use it and refer to it.

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 5:02 pm
by toon-town-brace-face
Thanks lilsisbet and KK for your replies. The site link is extremely helpful. The end result looks good. My orthodontist uses Speed-Braces so I'm kind of actually looking forward to all this. Wait... I'm 32 and am looking forward to braces?!?! That doesn't sound right!

Thanks again!

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:01 pm
by drazda
I went to the site lilsisbet posted. The woman's teeth are perfectly straight and perfect... but the midline is off because only one tooth was extracted. Would the midline being off be a problem in one tooth extraction cases?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:04 pm
by Chris
One tooth extraction is common, but I hear that the 1st bicuspid is usually the one to go.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 8:50 am
by Bracefaced
I had my upper right first bicuspid removed....only one...

At every adjustment appointment, I religiously ask my ortho to reassure me my midline wont be too deviated :oops:
And at every appointment, he reassures me I won’t have a checkerboard smile :lol:

Progress so far (my extraction was in January) is looking really good. The gum in the extraction area is starting to “bend inâ€

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:27 pm
by beanstix
I've had a lower incisor extraction, due to crowding. Everybody's case is individual and for me I had the tooth removed and all the teeth in the lower larch repositioned and made to "stand up", rather than just closing the gap. Having no midline is no big deal for me at all, it doesn't notice at all. (Currently I am having a problem with my lower arch but I'm sure my ortho will address this in due course, I've never learnt to relax and trust her because she doesn't communicate!).

Good luck with your treatment.