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Spacers Put On Today - Braces 5/31/06

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:14 pm
by Rdavido
I'm 17 and going to be getting braces in about a week, I have misalignment on my two upper incisors, and a crossbit on my right canine. Otherwise, my teeth aren't too bad. I'll post pictures

My ortho is putting me into Damon 3's next Wednesday, could anyone provide me with any information as far as comfort, and average treatment time? Ortho says treatment time between 18 - 20 months..not too bad!

I had my spacers (clear, rubber) put on this morning, it took about 5 minutes and I was done. For me the hardest part is telling people, especially my girlfriend, that I will be getting braces in a week...Although most of my friends had braces during their earlier teens.

Could anyone provide me with any valuable information? Thanks!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:42 pm
by michelle85
Spacers suck :). They were definitly the worst part for me.

My best piece of advice is to not worry about what other people are thinking so much :)! If you act like they don't bother you nobody will say anything. I pretend like I don't even have braces and no one has made a single comment.

I'm 21 and I'm going to be in these suckers until I'm 23. I'm not going to *not* smile because of them. I'm proud of them. It means my teeth are going to be beautiful!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:10 pm
by Joanna20
Spacers didn't hurt me at all, and didn't really cause disconfort, but I do have a great amount of space in my lower arch so I guess that's why. I'm having spacers put on my tops in a weeks time (30) and I'm getting upper braces on the 31st as well.
I hope everything goes well 4 u!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:19 pm
by Dark_angel
Hi ive just turned 18 and ive been in braces a while. Where abouts are you from? I know there are differences between UK and US treatment, not with times and appliances but the approach that orthos take.

My boyfriend was in braces when i met him and it didnt bother me at all and when he had his off i had mine on not after. As far as im aware it dosent bother him except being dragged to my appointments and then being forced to do some shopping after.

I like getting my braces bright colours and stuff. As for the spacers i wanted to take mine out but my boyfriend stopped me :evil:

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:25 pm
by Rdavido
I live in the US (Mississippi). Ya, I doubt my GF will be affected much, but it will be a nuisance with kissing...

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:29 pm
by Dark_angel
Kissing is akward for a few days at most, but it hasnt stopped me. Dont worry about it and try to get her involved in your treatment, she'll give you the support and appreciate you not hiding it. :wink:

Good luck, although it will be fine.