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I got braced today!!!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 12:44 pm
by Nille
I got braced with full metal uppers and lowers this a.m. It took about an hour and went smoothly. My ortho had this interesting gadget that goes over your tongue with suction on each side so they don't have to constantly stop and suction your mouth out while you have the lovely and oh so comfy lip retractors in. So lucky for me I never tasted the etchant but boy could I smell it! And the advice about lip balm before you go in is the best! I slathered a ton of it on before they called me back and my lips were still dry when they finished. I couldn't imagine how it would have been without it! The ortho told me before I left to have a good lunch and take some advil b/c I could expect a good bit of soreness. I actually took Advil before I went in so it hasn't been too bad so far but I can definitely feel them. I did manage to eat some chicken SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM for lunch but it was a challenge. Hopefully I will be able to eat supper!

I decided to go full metal b/c my husband didn't care either way and as he and the ortho said, people are going to see them no matter what you get. Metal is easier for me b/c I won't have to worry about what I eat or drink and they are self ligating so I only have to go every 10-12 weeks vs. every 6 weeks. Even though they are self ligating they did say at my 1st adjustment I can get colored ligs if I want. Right now the brackets feel a bit scratchy on my lips but I'm sure it is normal and I will get used to it but I may try ligs to see if it helps them to be more comfortable on my lips. Besides if I've got metal and everybody can see them, I may as well have some fun with color!

They gave me a SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM Sonicare Intelliclean toothbrush which is awesome. I can already tell brushing will be a new challenge. I brushed after lunch and it sure was different!

Anyway, enough rambling. Here are some before and after pics. You can click on them to make them bigger if needed. Sorry they are blurry. My camera isn't the best and it is hard taking pics of your own teeth!





Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:12 pm
by psychic
Nice photos!

I got braces last friday!

Keep us posted with your progresses!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 1:14 pm
by michelle85
The first night was the worst! I was so sore I couldn't even touch my teeth together by the end of the night. By day 3 my cheeks/lips/tongue were all very cut up and hurt a lot. But by day 8 I am 100% back to normal! Thanks to lots of wax and salt water rinses my mouth has healed completely. I'm even back to the point where I can eat whatever I want.

Good luck on your journey! I hope everything goes well :).