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MRI of head with Braces??? UPDATE-didn't work

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:16 pm
by BraceMD
Has anyone successfully had an MRI of their head whilst they are wearing braces?

I am scheduled to have one this Friday for severe migraines... and I just realized today that the braces could possibly have interference with the MRI resolution. The radiologist doing the MRI is closed today, otherwise I'd call.


Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:39 pm
by HeadgearJoe
hi , yes i've had one since my braces wear put on of my tm joint things went fine an the magnetic image was very good , an NO the magnet didn't put any pull on my braces he he , hope this helps (HeadgearJoe)

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 2:45 pm
by Nille
Hi BraceMD,

I am an MRI Tech and braces can definitely interfere with an MRI of the head. It causes a good deal of distortion to the image. The area surrounding the mouth shows up as a big black spot which sometimes extends into the brain. Our radiologist usually gets us to do a couple of series of images to see how much interference we get from the braces. It is usually up to the radiologist to determine if it is worth it to do the study or not. They are usually read as being a limited exam. Some radiologists won't do the exam at all. Good luck and hopefully you will have your scan and find out what is causing your migraines! I have migraines also and I know how bad they suck! I hope all turns out well for you!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 7:09 pm
by smile
I had to have an MRI almost 15 months ago and apparently they didn't turn out very well because of the braces. Shame.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:09 pm
by BraceMD
Thanks, everyone, for your input!

I talked to the MRI tech who will be doing my MRI. She told me that sometimes they turn out okay with braces, sometimes there's too many artifacts to do any diagnostics with it. So I'll just have to wait and see if it works.

I just wanted to be sure it was even worth bothering to go to this MRI- I'm severely claustrophobic and have to take Valium to be able to handle this MRI. I'd hate to go through the trouble of getting dopey and having my husband take off work to get me there, only to find out that it won't work. Oh well.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:12 pm
by susieq182
Migraines are so awful!! I hope your MRI goes well and they can help you find a way to control them. I have had migraines since age 4 I know way young but I have learned to live with them. the MRI wont be as bad as you think. I recently change nerologist and they treated me for a sleep disorder and I have not had a migrain for over 6 months. so great considering i used to have them 2+ times a week.

Its a huge bummer there isnt a cure for migraines, but I hope the MRI can help you!!!!!!!

PS have braces made your migraines better or worse??

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:58 pm
by goodnessgracious
i had an MRI 3months ago for the
same problem!! i was so worried
that it may be something bad, very
bad.. like a tumor.. but everything
ended up being fine..
thank goodness

well, i have braces [well, 5 ceramics
on the top.. i get the rest tomorrow!]
i was never informed that my MRI
results were any different than they
were suppose to be, but while in the
tunnel thing, whenever i [think] it
came close to my braces or what-not
it made almost like an electrical
feeling surge through my mouth!!
i dont know why, and if that was
suppose to happen, but good luck with
the MRI results!! ill prey for you!!

i dont know if i helped, but i thought
id put my 2cents in, Lol

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:31 pm
by BraceMD
have braces made your migraines better or worse??
I don't think they've had any effect on the migraines at all. I've not had migraines frequently, but when I get them... wow. Horrible! I had my first one last weekend that I'd had in approaching a year. It was the worst ever... we had a weekend trip planned and I didn't have the heart to cancel the trip, as my husband had been so looking forward to it. I was a miserable, nauseated complain that day. I've not felt that sick in my life EVER! Very frightening.
i was so worried that it may be something bad
Eh, I'm not too worried about it being something bad, but it's best to rule out everything. I think I know my triggers for migraines (cigarette smoke up close in bars, polluted air, eating late at night (2 am or later)... unfortunately there's times where those things just can't be avoided. I've avoided meds for them (stupid, I know) but I just got a script for Midrin... we'll see if that helps the next time I get a migraine. Watch- now that I finally have a prescription I'll never get a migraine again!

Thanks again, all!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:00 pm
by goodnessgracious
hey [again]
i was put on Midrin, and elivil [?]
Midrin did seem to help me, i hope
it works for you, Lol!

keep me posted!!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 6:12 pm
by BraceMD
whoops, I see I've been edited. That sentence should have said "I was a miserable, nauseated b**ch that day". "Complain" was substituted for the b-word. He he he, sorry.

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:14 pm
by susieq182

THis link has and explanation of how orthodontics can help relieve migrain symptoms. more or less its a study on how not being balanced structurally makes us hurt. Warning lots of big medical words .

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:37 pm
by Nille
It is interesting they say orthodontics can help migraines. I just got braced May 23rd and I have had a migraine since! I guess it could be coincidence but I wondered if it was from the braces. I finally gave in and took a Midrin this morning and it did seem to help, thank goodness!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 2:00 pm
by susieq182
I think it refers more to people who have migraines related to TMJ or imbalances of the neck and facial bones. the neurologist i see said they are looking into links but it is not confirmed either way. Sort of like most things related to migraines I guess. the more they know they more questions that are created. who knows I sure dont I feel my braces havent done anything either way. My migraines were caused by a sleep disorder "wakeful sleep" I was not sleeping normally an issue that was sorted out shortly before I got braces.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:26 pm
by BraceMD
Well, the MRI didn't work. The radiologist said they weren't seeing hardly any of my brain, because of the interference the braces made. Oh well... once I get them off, I'll do it again. Took Valium for nothing.