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"All done" he says.. except for this pesky wisdom

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:00 am
by freya333
Morning all!

I have just come back from my latest appointment. My ortho says we are all done except for an impacted wisdom tooth at the back that is taking its time to right itself. He is going to refer me to a consultant who he says has a few 'tricks up his sleeve', such as 'an uprighting spring' to help sort it out. He says if thats no good we may have to extract, but after having had 4 teeth out already, I have said No Way! I get a terrible sense of guilt extracting healthy teeth so I really don't want to go down that route. So, I have 2 questions for everyone..

1. Has anyone heard of this spring before, have you had any luck with it?

2. My top row of teeth are all lovely and untwisted and in a great arch. The only problem is, my number 2 teeth seem SO short compared to my canines that to me it really looks very odd, like i have really pronounced fangs. Apart from capping or adding a bit to my number 2's, does anyone know how to lessen the effect of this, or is in a similar boat?

Oh one more thing, my bottom middle four started to revert back to being bit crooked in the past couple of weeks, today he noticed it and said it was beause of the power chain on the one side, so he took this off and said they would right themselves, does this sound about right??

So I guess there are 3 questions there!! Sorry for going on a bit but who else can I ask?! :wink:

Take care everyone