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Just Braced and quite sad

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 2:53 am
by wazza
Hi, ive been looking at this site quite frequently just before i was getting braced. This site is really helpful and looking at everyones great progress instantly cheers me up. I was braced yesterday and now my teeth feel really really sore. A slight touch of the tooth with the toungue already puts my tooth in pain. This goes for all my teeth on my upper jaw. Is this normal? I have no idea what i can possibly eat other than something in liquid form and another thing which isnt really the lack of support i am getting. Here i am, first day with braces and having trouble eating, and my family is having a quite low now.....


Give it a week

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:29 am
by Sarah22
Hi Wazza,

It seems impossible now but in a weeks time you'll be feeling so much better. Take it very slowly with your foods and you'll soon build up considence to try soft things. After 5 days I managed to munch softly on chips :)

Have soup, custard, and if it is BBQ weather where you are, have ice cream fruit smoothies, yummy stuff, cake, what the heck, anything soft and comforting!!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:33 am
by JumpTheDitch
Oh Wazza, that's no good! Never mind about your family; families can be a pain, they should know damn well when you need support and sometimes seem to delight in withholding it! Or maybe that's just mine... :oops:

Never mind, it does get better, trust me. Soon you won't even notice the braces. It is normal for your teeth to feel tight and sensitive, although everyone is different and responds differently to ortho treatment. Many people will say orthodontics shouldn't necessarily come under the "no-pain-no-gain" banner, but sadly I've not found myself in that category. It would be nice, but I find my teeth are generally all tender following an adjustment, and have on occasion had to resort to blending food to eat. That said, it's not always that bad, it generally improves fairly rapidly, and the recovery period tends to be decreasing also. Make sure you follow the advice plastered all over the boards re waxing troublesome areas ASAP, salt water rinses, etc.

Chin up, this'll be over before you know it, it'll all be worth it and your family will be envious of your lovely, healthy, straight teeth and bite!

Good luck with your treatment, and remember this board is always here for advice, comfort, venting and consolation!


Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:00 am
by wazza
thanks guys!! it makes me feel a lot better already.
I know in 2 years time, ill be looking back and will be extremely glad with myself for taking the big step and getting braces. This msg board is really helpful and comforting.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:05 am
by Kell
I promise you that what you are feeling is normal and it will get better. The second day was the worst for me and then it was all uphill from there. Each day was better than the one before it. After the 1st week I felt much better then after 2 weeks it was even better.

Hang in there!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:13 am
by blackcat20
I think I was lucky in that my mum was very helpful with food over the last week; she even went and bought a blender so I can make smoothies for breakfast!

But seriously, keep your chin up, it will get better. And make the most of the fantastic excuse to eat all those delicious soft favourite is cup cakes :D

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:13 am
by Duffle
Poor you! :wink: It does get better believe me. By day 5 after getting braced I was searching through my toolbox looking for something to rip the bloody things off, but as I'm a girl and my toolbox a bit... well girly I was unsuccessful. Which was just aswell because the next day they really didn't hurt as much.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:47 am
by Nille
I'm sorry you are feeling so low. I got braced yesterday and I am quite sore today also. I have been taking ibuprofen to help take the edge off as recommended by my ortho. Maybe that would help you. This is my second time in braces so I know from before that it will get better! As for eating, others on here have talked about eating things that you can kind of mash b/t your tongue and the roof of your mouth and this has worked well for me. I have had soggy cereal, mashed potatoes, pudding, fruit newtons, and an enchilada casserole just to give you a few examples. Hang in there. It will get better and hopefully soon!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:06 am
by CLAmom
It is really hard at first and sometimes it still is. The pain and soreness may come and go throughout your time in braces or you may be one of these lucky people who aren't bothered at all after the initial adjustment period. We've all gone through this and it will feel better, trust me. I have an extremely low tolerance for pain and for wearing these darn train tracks in general but I'm doing it anyway. On days when you don't feel so good, have a milkshake!! Pamper yourself. Take some Advil. I've done all three of these things today!! It helps. And also to post your concerns on this terrific message board and get a little comfort in return. Hang in there! :wink:

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 12:38 pm
by Joanna20
Hey girl, don’t feel bad about your braces! It’s only a good sign that your teeth are hurting, it means they’re coming into alignment with the arch wire! Don’t worry.
I had my lower braces putted on last Friday and the first two days were horrible too, well until 2 brackets came loose. Next week I’m getting uppers and a whole new adjustment to my bottom braces (I’m only half bottom braced now). I know it’s going to be extra painful :S
Just think that you’ll be able to see some progress soon and that your smile will look wonderful once you’re done!
Hang in there!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 3:41 pm
by lionfish
Sorry to hear about your sore mouth and lack of support, wazza. I think BBQ was probably the last thing on my mind for the first week or so.

Give yourself a couple of weeks to adjust and make sure you get enough nutrients into your body. And like everyone has said, don't hesitate to use wax on brackets to head off any irritation; and salt water cures a multitude of ills.

The good news is that it does get better and you will be able to eat BBQ food again with braces.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:57 pm
by Andrew
Hi Wazza - I've had braces for about 6 months now, and it was only the first week that I had any difficulty. What Karen says about salt water and wax is true; you can also take ibuprofen if the soreness is too much. I ate a lot of soup the first week.