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OWIE! Technique used by ortho........

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:45 am
by Lyn
Hey all!

I went for my adjustment yesterday.....and had something different done. My ortho took the wire (finishing wire) and put "bends" in it. He said it is to "finish things up". I didn't get a new wire (it is white and chipping horribly :x ). He said now that we are using the finishing wire we have to keep the same one, or all the progress is lost? :wink:

Has anyone else heard of this or experienced it? The same was done on my lower wire. A few bends on the wire and he put it back on. I asked him if I was on track or "ahead of schedule". He said lets not rush things. I lot of work still needs to be done! BUMMER :roll:

When I look in the mirror - I can see the bends, It will be interesting to see them straighten out - - oh yeah, wow am I in pain today! WHEW isn't it funny how the day after an adjustment you can really FEEL it! :shock:

Take care ALL~ Lyn

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 5:49 am
by KathleenH
I've been getting bends for over a year now. I have another 6 months or so to go yet, too. And my wire is so gross to look at!

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:53 pm
by jimmy18
I have had a bend in the middle of my lower archwire for almost the entire time it has been on. Do you know what they are supposed to do? Mine hasn't straightened out at all.

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 9:41 pm
by Flora2006
That is interesting that the finishing wire has to be the same for the remaining time you will be in braces. I wonder why? I can't wait to get that finishing wire (I started not too long ago so I still have a while :roll: ) lol.

I hope you aren't in too much pain because of your last adjustment! I have to agree...after an adjustment my teeth feel a bit tighter as well...but it's not too bad. Could be worse ;)


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 4:33 pm
by leah
I've had the same wire since last August, and will never get a new one. The reason I'm told is that all the little bends is mostly to level and rotate all the finishing things they need to do. so if you think about it, to put in a brand new straight wire would move your teeth right back to where they were. And the only way to get a straight wire would be to have every bracket repositioned and they would have to be positioned perfect or they would move even then.
My Ortho laughs and tells me that he has never seen wires with so many bends in them.
Hope that all makes sense and helps.....

Best wishes

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:08 pm
by ThisIsMary
I've been getting bends in my wire for the last few adjustments. I also have the coated wire so after about 2 months it starts chipping pretty bad. All I did was ask for a new wire and the assistant put the same bends in the new one, just like the old one. It doesn't make any sense that they couldn't do the same for you


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 8:29 pm
by leah
It would be impossible to replicate all the bends in my wires...I'm stuck with these until I'm done. Don't know about anyone else.

Best wishes,

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 4:50 am
by stargirl
About 3 months ago I got my finishing wires - but my bends never straightened out... are they supposed to?

At my adjustment last week, they repositioned a bracket and I had to go back to a .18 NiTi wire so that they could get the wire into the bracket - Lyn, you said that once you remove it, all the progress is lost? I hope not! :shock: I've still got the final wire on the bottom, and the upper will be replaced in 3 weeks.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:16 pm
by Chris
I have a bend to prevent a tooth from coming down more. Originally he changed the bracket position to get the tooth to come down, then it came down too fast. He didn't change the position of the bracket, but only put the bend in it. I wonder if he'll change the position again of the bracket before he puts on a full powerchain? Anybody else have that done or were the bends in until you got the braces off? I thought all the brackets had to be aligned before they were taken off.


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:32 pm
by leah
Maybe my Orhto works differently, but I have bends embetween almost every bracket... He does not believe in repisitioning unless really nessary. I've had powerchains acorss all my teeth numerous times it never made any difference on what needed to be done.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:10 am
by Lyn

Well it has been a week since I had the BENDS put in my wires. I still haven't seen any change - - movement or change in the bends. I am going to ask again next month for a new wire. The white coating is just about off, but in spots it is still there and ugly. I probably notice it more than anyone else, hehehe. :lol:

Anyway, the pain subsided after about 2 days. Thankfully - cause each tooth was incredibly sore. :(

NOW I have a new problem. One of my lowers has been feeling a little funny. Almost like when you eat something cold and it gives you a quck ZING. Well this front tooth keeps doing that, and I am hoping that the nerve isn't dying - and need a root canal. :x

OR is it that the nerves are moving in this tooth - and it is just more sensitive??? HELP!?? :roll:

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:44 pm
by Chris
Sounds normal. I've had sensitivity to cold from time to time when some teeth were moving. I've also had so much pain I also thought of the dreaded "root canal" scenario. The pain never stays. I think thats probably what would worry me, if the pain never went away.