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Moving the roots?

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:21 am
by Simba
I had an adjustment today, not much happened, just made my top wire abit tighter.

My ortho as always said"They are moving nicely, really straightening up!"
I've been in braces 8months now, he always saids that so finally i said i didnt really think so.

I said that although my teeth are starting to come into place, the roots of my teeth (under the gum) are angled still and not straightening up.

He asked me to get xrays for my next appt. in 6weeks, and said we may move the position of the brackets on your teeth to move the roots!

Has anyone else changed the position of the brackets on their teeth? how often if any?

and does anyone else have "the roots of their teeth" taking longer to straighten up!!??

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:00 pm
by JoeMama
Hi Simba - my ortho told me that she's going to move a couple of my brackets next time I'm there. She says there a are couple that could be in a better spot now that my teeth have started to move. I think it makes sense. She also told me it takes the roots a long time to move (and then even longer to decide to stay put - hence the retainers).

It sounds interesting to have another x-ray to see how your roots are moving though. You should ask to see the before and after. Seeing the progress always feels nice. Best wishes!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:51 pm
by Flora2006
I am so confused with the fact that the root moves at a different time than the tooth... I need to ask for an explanation from my ortho! lol

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:36 am
by Dark_angel
Think of the root like a rubber band and the tooth is attached. You can pull the tooth on the band but the band will stay in place. As soon as you let go of the tooth the band will become un streched and return to where it was.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 10:31 am
by Chris
I had a panoramic recently and was pleasantly surprized at how straight (like soldiers) my teeth and roots were. Of course, its been 2 years;:::sigh:::: Darn that tipped molar though...its behaving like a bratty kid. :evil:

Yeah, I've had brackets repositioned, and repositioned again. :roll:

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:59 pm
by paul4885
I know this is almost an impossible question to answer but lets see what you all think. Is there an average time that it takes roots to move. My teeth are almost perfectly straight except for one of my molars is in cross-bite. My orth said I should have them off in September but I am starting to worry. I beleive he said the next time I go in I get a 18-25 wire on the bottom and then the time after that I get the same on the top. I have no idea what that means. Any thoughts?

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:12 pm
by Dreamer
I've had my braces on for 14 months now and just today they said in 6 weeks we will do another pano to check the roots and possibly relocate a few brackets based on the roots alignment. It takes a long time to get things just right and those poor roots have quite a journey to make through all that bone!

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:42 pm
by jcdamon3
I just had 9 brackets moved. My ortho took an xray to see where the roots are. My front bottom teeth that were the crookedest are still causing some amount of grief. He said the roots were too close together. Before we did this we moved the brackets another time. That time we moved 5 brackets I think - all on the bottom. This time we moved 4 on the bottom and 5 on top.

My ortho said I am a little over half way done. But I had brackets moved a few months ago too.

In any case I think I need to call him tomorrow because it looks like the wire is not ligated (Is that a verb?) all the way on one of the brackets.