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overbite+braces=cant chew

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:31 am
by bevz
I just had my braces fitted in a few days ago, and since then i've been living on soup, bread and ice-cream. I cannot chew with my back teeth because i used to have a overbite, but can chew perfectly. But now, with my braces i can't bite together because the brace is in the way!!
Any advice please?? (Plus, im going on holiday in 2 days! Can't eat any decent food! :( )


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 9:45 am
by susieq182
Small pieces of soft foods. and it does get better. bake potatoes are great chili, pastas and quishes (not sure i spelled that right). In the early weeks I thought I would never eat real food again ( i got braced just 2 weeks before christmas) but I managed. sandwich meats with out bread are also easy to eat. just stay away from hard breads, fried foods and grille things. I have 2 super recipies on my blog. i need to get more posted. a good rule of thumb to go by is if you can smash it through a fork you will be able to eat it.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 10:24 am
by purple

I got my braces on two weeks ago for the same reason and my back teeth no longer meet because of the braces too.
I thought I would freak out if i had to eat another egg or cup of soup but i have to say this week i am managing most foods!

I guess over the couple of weeks i have retrained myself to chew differently and soften them up in my mouth before chewing - I even managed a packet of popcorn yesterday.
Some foods do get stuck in my teeth more because of it but its a small price to pay for eating properly.

The kind people on this site told me it would get better and it has :D

it wont be long....good luck!

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 11:57 am
by Skinny
Hang in there Im in the same boat you are cant chew anything other then soft foods.
Potato salid and potatos with Cheese, TV dinners (Frozen meals) With soft meat like salsbury steak meat loaf noodles, Eggs, Doughnuts. After about a week your teeth wont hurt so much and chewing will get better, This week I have found I can eat Dark meat chicken cut into small bits.
I hope the over bite dosnt take to long to corect I cant wait till I can chew again either.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 12:15 pm
by payoki
I always have the same problem after an adjustment, because of the hook on the molar band and my ortho always file down the hook or the band so that my bite is more comfortable. maybe you should tell your ortho about it.

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:53 pm
by bevz
thanks for the replies