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bruised lips

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 12:38 am
by presencia
I am about 3 months into my orthodontic treatment and have encountered something I have not seen mentioned on the board here. Has anyone ever noticed bruising on their lips? I have developed two bruises on my bottom lip, at least I think that is what they are. It does not appear to be discoloration. They are there all the time and do not go away.

Possibly this is from my lips rubbing the brackets? I really don't know.

I have ceramic upper and lower. I think the ceramic brackets are a bit bigger than the metal ones, so maybe this is a factor. I also have a nance, which is coming out June 23-hooray!

I can ask about this at my next visit, but wondered if anyone else had experienced this.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:01 am
by tkais
I have what appears to be a bruise in my top lip and it lines up with the hook on my bracket. I assume it is from constantly hitting my braces when I smile and talk.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:40 am
by presencia
Thanks, Lucy and tkais!

I apppreciate your responses! To realize others are going thru the same things makes the whole experience a little less dramatic for me. (or should I say "traumatic")

Lucy, I have also had a few of those little red spots you mentioned, and they do seem to be from biting my inner cheeks. When I first saw one, I scraped and scraped at it, thinking it was a bit of food stuck in my mouth. Finally, I realized it was not coming out! I was gone in a day or so, so no worries there.

Tkais, I looked at my lip spots again, and they do seem to line up directly with brackets. I will still ask about them, but it seems likely to be just bruising.

I knew I would have a few things to deal with having braces, but really, I did not expect all this drama so soon: bleeding tongue, a tooth extraction after bracing, cheek blisters, loose teeth, finding out I have tongue thrust, a nasty nance(ugh), now bruised lips! All in 3 months time! I guess no pain, no gain applies here! That is why I really appreciate this board. And the reminders of why we are doing this. And that it is all temporary.

I have yet to encounter rubber bands.........